Thursday 19 April 2012

PIL On Illegal Money Lending

In the Hon’ble High Court Judicature at Bombay
Public Interest Litigation Writ No                   of 2012

          Mumbai Taximen Sangathan & Others    …...Petitioners
The State Of Maharashtra & others …….Respondents

Sr. No.





Memo of Appearance


Memorandum of Address


List of documents


Copy of the Trade certificate.

Copy of the Resolution.

Copy of The Bombay Money Lending Act, 1946.

Copy of the EMI receipts.

Copy of the letter received from the RBI.

ANNEXURE P-6 (collectively)
Copy of the official sale receipt received from the money lenders.

Copy of the handed over vehicle’s agreement.

ANNEXURE P-8 (collectively)
Copy of the said blank agreements.

ANNEXURE P-9 (collectively)
Copy of the of the plain paper receipts.

ANNEXURE P-10 (collectively)
Copy of the EMI receipts with names of different firms.

ANNEXURE P-11 (collectively)
Copy of the said notices and their reply with reference to NOCs.

Copy of the money lender’s list.

Copy of the reply of the Reserve Bank of India dated 14th June 2011.

ANNEXURE P-14 (collectively)
Copies of the complaints by permit holders.

ANNEXURE P-15 (collectively)
Copies of the RTI application and order passed by first appellate authority.

Copy of the said letter dated 26/04/2011.

Copy of the representations dated May 10, 2011.

Copy of the   valuation certificate.

Copy of the Hire purchase agreement by Pawan Credit Co-operative Society.

Affidavit in support


Affidavit as per Rule the Hon’ble High Court of Bombay

Total Pages

In the Hon’ble High Court Judicature at Bombay
Ordinary Original Civil Jurisdiction
Public Interest Litigation(L) No 19 of 2012

Mumbai Taximen Sangathan & others         …...Petitioners
The State Transport Authority & others      …….Respondents



The Bombay Money Lending Act, 1946 was enforced in the state of Maharashtra.

The Bombay Money Lending Act, 1946 was enforced in the state of Maharashtra.  The Maharashtra Money Lending (Regulation) Bill, 2010 was passed by the State Legislative Assembly and is reserved with the Honorable Governor of Maharashtra till date and no notification has been published till date.
Mumbai is the financial capital of India but there is an auto /taxi permit mafia working in the Mumbai city for the last few decades and this mafia is also running illegal money lending rackets.  It is pertinent to note that more than Rs. 2500 Cr black money is involved in the said racket.
Modus operandi of the Money Lender’s Mafia in Mumbai:
(i)                           They take the signatures of the permit holders of the taxi men/ auto men on innumerable blank forms, papers, RTO forms, hire purchase agreement, stamp papers etc.
(ii)                        They pay the amount to the car / auto dealers or the loan borrowers in cash after deducting 15% file charges and 10% commission of their agents.
(iii)                      They do not give any copy of the hire purchase agreement or any other documents to the permit holders. It is pertinent to note that the loan borrowers never know that which finance firm / company had been providing loan to them.
(iv)                      They issue the receipt of the EMI on the name of other firms as well as on the name of the driver of the taxi / auto instead in the name of the loan borrowers. They charge minimum 36% interest on the total loan amount.
(v)                        All the money lenders do not have the money lending license as per Section 5 of Money Lending Act, 1946 nor are they registered with the Department of Non-Banking Supervision, Mumbai region of the Reserve Bank of India.
(vi)                      All the money lenders provide the loan in cash and acquire EMI’s of the said loan in cash.
(vii)                   For the financing of the new vehicles the money lenders use the Pan Card numbers of the taxi men /auto men and pay lacs of rupees in cash to the car and auto dealers.
(viii)                 The money lenders first make one receipt showing that they have purchased the taxi/auto from the permit holders with the remark “fitted with the permit” and the amount is in full and final settlement of the sale price.
(ix)                      The money lenders then hand over the same vehicle which they had purchased from the permit holders or the loan borrowers after taking the receipt for vehicle.
(x)                         The money lenders get  signed blank hire purchase agreement without taking any signature from the guarantors / witness.
(xi)                      The money lenders take the signatures on the blank form 34 & 35 from the permit holders.
(xii)                    The money lenders then take the possession of the original registration book. It is pertinent to note that as per the provision of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1946 the original registration book should be with the vehicle when the vehicle is on the road.
(xiii)                 The money lenders issue rough receipts on plain cards/ plain papers on which they receive the money.
(xiv)                 When the permit holders want to renew their permits or pass their vehicles from the respondent no. 3, 4, & 5, they require the NOC from the Money lenders and money lenders demand a huge amount in return for issuing the NOC. It is pertinent to mention that respondent no. 3, 4 & 5 have always failed to issue the notice as per Section 51 (7) of Motor Vehicle Act to the money lenders. The Section 51 (7) is reproduced as under:
 51 (7) Special provisions regarding motor vehicle subject to hire purchase agreement, etc Within seven days of the receipt of an application under sub-section (6) the financier may issue, or refuse, for reasons which shall be recorded in writing communicate to the applicant, to issue, the certificate applied for, and where the financier fails to issue the certificate and also fails to communicate the reasons for refusal to issue the certificate to the applicant within the said period of seven days, the certificate applied for shall be deemed to have been issued by the financier.
(xv)                    It is pertinent to note that due to the conspiracy between the money lenders and respondent no. 3, 4 & 5 most of the permit holders are unable to renew their permits due to the non issuance of NOC by the money lenders. It is further pertinent to note that the money lenders have a various fictitious sister concerns and even the loan borrowers do not know  which firm had given the loan to them.
(xvi)                 It is further pertinent to note that few money lenders had issued receipt on different names of firms when the permit holders paid the EMI to them. It is further pertinent to note that the money lenders issued the receipts  of EMI on which three firm names were printed but the loan borrowers were unable to make out from which firm they received the   money exactly.
(xvii)               It is further pertinent to note that, when any loan borrower sent  a notice to the money lenders relating to the NOC or asking about the money lender license, the money lenders  replied to the loan borrowers that, “they do not carry on any money lending business  hence, Bombay Money Lending Act does not apply.”
The Petitioners had filed a RTI application with the office of the Registrar for Money Lending appointed by the Government of Maharashtra, under which they received information from different offices and they were shocked and surprised to know that no money lender has a money lending license which is mandatory as per section 5 of the Bombay Money Lending Act.
The Petitioners had filed an application under the RTI Act with the office of the Department of Non-Banking supervision Mumbai region / Reserve Bank of India for seeking the information about the Respondent No. 12 to 28 to know whether they are registered with them as non-banking companies / firms, but when the Petitioners received the information from the said bank, they were shocked and surprised to know that none of the Respondent money lenders were  registered with  the RBI and the RBI informed the petitioners that they had forwarded the copy of the Petitioner’s complaint to the Economic Offence Wing of Mumbai police i.e. Respondent No. 8 but no action has been taken by them till date willfully and deliberately. 
Innumerable loan borrowers were cheated by the money lenders or the Respondents mentioned above in the case title that do not hold a money lending license as per Section 5 of Money Lending Act.  Innumerable permit holders made a complaint with the Senior Inspector of Police, Bhoiwada Police Station or Respondent No. 10 but the Respondent No. 10 failed to take any action against the money lenders or the Respondent Nos. 12 to 23. 
Petitioners had filed an application under the RTI Act, 2005 with the request to Respondent No. 10 to furnish the copies of the complaints filed by loan borrowers against the Respondent Nos. 12 to 23 with their report mentioning the action taken for the last 10 years but the Respondent No. 10 failed to furnish the information willfully and deliberately.  Thereafter, the Petitioner No. 1 filed an appeal before the First Appellate Authority under the RTI Act, 2005 for non-furnishing of the information by Respondent No. 10.  The First Appellate Authority i.e. Zonal Deputy Commissioner of Police passed the order and directed the Respondent No. 10 to furnish the information to the Petitioners within 7 days, even then Respondent No. 10 failed to furnish the information to the Petitioners willfully and deliberately.
The Petitioners had filed a representation before Respondent Nos. 3, 4 & 5 to take immediate necessary action against Respondent Nos. 12 to 28 or the money lenders who do not have or carry the money lending license as per Section 5 of the Money Lending Act. It is pertinent to note that, the Respondent 3, 4 & 5 have failed to take any action or decision on the representation filed by the Petitioners till date deliberately and willfully. 
The Petitioners were shocked and surprised when they came to know that the leading trade union/association of the Taximen had also hypothecated the vehicles of their taximen. The Constitution of the Mumbai Taximen Union has no such provision to hypothecate the vehicle on the name of the money lenders even then the respondent no. 3, 4 & 5 have indulged in hypothecating the taxis on their name.
Few major car dealers are also involved with this money lender mafia who are selling vehicles of Maruti and Hyundai brands as taxis and they are accepting lacs of rupees in cash from the money lenders and using the PAN cards of the poor taximen.  It is pertinent to note that if the Respondent No. 9 conducts the investigation thoroughly they will discover black money amounting to more than Rs. 1000 of crores.
A number of suits were filed by the money lenders, who do not have valid money lending license as per the provision of The Bombay Money Lending Act, 1946 or Respondent No. 12 to 28 in this case, against the loan borrowers in the various Hon’ble courts or in the Hon’ble High Court of Bombay, which adds to an unnecessary extra burden on the Honorable Judiciary. It is pertinent to note that section 10 of the Bombay Money Lenders Act, 1946 amended in 1975 clearly mentioned that ”no court shall pass a decree in favour of a money lender in any suit to which this Act applies (including such suit pending in the court before the commencement of the Bombay Money Lenders  (Amendment) Act 1975 unless the court is satisfied that as the time when the loan or any part thereof, to which the suit relates was advanced, the money lender held a valid license, and if the court  is satisfied that the money lender did not hold a valid license, it shall dismiss the suit”.
The Petitioners had also lodged a protest against the money lenders / credit co-operative societies and co-operative banks for exploitation of taximen at large by the name of “HALLA BOL MOVEMENT” with the prior intimation to the State Government and the Respondent Nos. 2, 3, 4 & 5 but no initiative or any action has been taken by the State and the Respondent Nos. 2 to 10 against the illegal activities of the money lenders.
The Petitioners have sent many representations to the State of Maharashtra and other authorities along with Respondent Nos. 2 to 10 regarding the illegal possession of the registration book of taxis and autos along with signatures of the permit holders on the blank papers and also RTO forms by the private financiers, money lenders, credit co-operative societies etc.  But till date neither any action has been taken nor any reply has been sent by any authority or the Respondent Nos. 2 to 10. 
Respondent Nos. 2, 3 , 4, 5, 6, 10 & 11 know very well that all the taxis and auto rickshaws original registration books are in the illegal custody of the money lenders, co-operative societies, banks etc…… It is pertinent to note that the Respondent Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10 & 11 do not demand or even try to check the original registration book, permit and other documents, deliberately and willfully because they know very well that these papers are in the illegal custody of money lenders or the other financial institutions who are exploiting the poor taximen / auto men. It is further pertinent to note that the Respondent Nos. 3, 4, 5 & 11 have instructed their staff to check only the license and not the original permit or registration book of the taximen / auto men. It proves the nexus between the money lender mafia and Respondent Nos. 3, 4, 5 & 11.
The money lenders or the credit co-operative societies or the financial institutions insist or force the permit holder or the taximen / auto men to take the insurance from them on higher rates. It is pertinent to note that in fact the money lenders/Respondents had taken the money from the taximen / auto men and had just given the cover note of the insurance company even though most of them had not paid the insurance amount to the insurance company. The taximen / auto men never get the original insurance policy and they are running the vehicle without the insurance for year’s altogether.
In similar manner the credit co-operative societies are also doing the finance / money lending business.  It is pertinent to note that the State of Maharashtra had exempted these credit co-operative societies from the money lending act, even then they are exploiting the taximen / auto men in the same way as the money lenders, but no authority is ready to take any action against them. It is pertinent to note that the office of the Asst. Registrar who is dealing with the matter under section 101 of the Maharashtra Co-operative Society Act is indirectly run by the credit co-operative societies and these offices have become a kind of settlement junctions for the said credit co-operative societies.
These credit co-operative societies are in possession of the binding book of the agreements along with all the RTO forms and other papers, in which they take the signatures on the blank booklets from the loan borrowers but no copy of the loan agreement and other papers are provided to the taximen. 
These money lenders / credit societies are taking false valuation certificates of the vehicles and show the value of the vehicles double the market price.  It is pertinent to note that in reality they include the market cost of the permit.
The Respondent No. 28 i.e. Pawan Credit Co-operative Society had showed the loan Rs. 1, 28,000/- to the loan borrower and repayable in the monthly installment of Rs. 1,524/- in 84 installments but the respondent no. 28 is taking the EMI of Rs. 4,500/-.
A number of loan borrowers have filed their complaints against the illegal and criminal act of the money lenders, particularly with the Senior Police Inspector, Bohiwada  and he has  failed to take any cognizance against the money lenders till date deliberately and willfully. 
The Respondent No. 12 to 28 are using muscle power to take the illegal possession of the taxi vehicle from the taximen /auto men without giving any notice and they sell the same in the market without any intimation to the owner of the permit holder.
A number of taximen /permit holders raise their voice against the illegal act of the money lenders or the financial institutes but no action has been taken by any authority till date.
The Maharashtra Money Lending (Regulation) Bill, 2010 has not been implemented till date and the same is reserved with the Hon’ble Governor of Maharashtra
The Registrar of Money lending has failed to take any action against the illegal money lenders, who  do not have money lending license till date
The public/taximen/automen at large are being cheated by the money lenders everyday in the city of Mumbai and the State has completely failed to take any action against them.

Hence, this Public Interest Litigation is being filed before this Hon’ble Court.

Points to be argued:

i)                  Whether the license is necessary as per the section 5 of the Money Lending Act, 1946 to the Money Lenders in the city of Mumbai or the State of Maharashtra?.
ii)                Whether the copy of the agreements executed between the permit holders and the money lenders is necessary to provide the permit holders / borrowers?.
iii)             Whether the Respondent No. 4 to 6 are a duty bound to implement the money lending license as per section 5 of the Bombay Money Lending Act, 1946 before hypothecation of the vehicle?
iv)             Whether the Respondent No. 4 to 6 are duty bound to accept the renewal fee of the permit from the permit holders till the permit holders get the NOC from the money lenders?
v)                Whether the taximen are entitled to renewal their permits /replacement order of their permits without the NOC of the money lenders who do not have the money lending license under the Bombay Money Lending Act, 1946 and further can be allowed to continue their business
vi)             Whether the original registration book, insurance policy and the original permit would be under the custody of the money lenders or with the vehicle when on road?
vii)           Whether the State is bound to implement the Maharashtra Money Lending (regulation) Bill 2010, when the same Bill passed by the Legislative Assembly?
viii)        Whether the recovery suit / petitions liable to dismiss as per Section 10 of the Bombay Money Lending Act, which are filed by the money lenders, who do not have the money lending licence as per Section 5 of the Bombay Money Lending Act, which are  pending before the Ld. subordinate /  courts and Hon’ble High Court of Bombay ?
ix)              Whether the hypothecation of the illegal money lenders to be cancelled, who do not have the money lending licence as per Section 5 of the Bombay Money Lending Act?
x)                Whether the taximen / permit holders have right to get the copies of the hire purchase agreement, statement of account, original registration book, insurance policy and the permit from the money lenders?
xi)              Whether grave and manifest injustice has been done with the taximen / public at large?
The Bombay Money Lending Act, 1946
The Maharashtra Money Lending (Regulation) Bill - 2010
Motor Vehicles Act, 1988
The Constitution of India

At present none:
Petitioners –In –Person

Public Interest Litigation Writ No                   of 2012

In the matter of Articles 226 of the Constitution of India


In the matter of Section 5 of the Bombay Money Lending Act, 1946


In the matter of Maharashtra  
 Money Lending (Regulation) Bill,  
In the matter of implementation of the Maharashtra Money Lending (Regulation) Bill, 2010


In the matter of direction to produce the money lending license as per section 5 of the Bombay Money Lenders Act, 1946


In the matter of direction to produce the books of accounts

In the matter of direction to produce the copy of the original RC Book


In the matter of direction to produce the copies of loan agreement along with statement of accounts


In the matter of, direction to make a proper investigation regarding the black money involved in illegal money lending business.


In the matter of direction to the subordinate courts to dismiss all the recovery petitions filed by the Money lenders in violation of section 5 and 10 of the Bombay Money Lending Act, 1946.


In the matter of cancellation of the hypothecations, who are involved in the illegal money lending business as per the provision of the Bombay Money Lending Act, 1946


In the matter of Bombay Money Lending Act, 1946


In the matter of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988

Through its General Secretary



1.     The State of Maharashtra,
Through Public Prosecutor,
Original Side, Bombay High Court,

2.     The Chief Secretary
Government of Maharashtra
Mantralya, Mumbai

Through its Chairman   
Constituted under the provisions of
The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, having
                  Its office of the Principal Secretary Transport
(Home Department) 4th Floor, Mantralya,

4.     The    Regional Transport Office, 
Truck Terminal
B-2, 3rd Floor,
Wadala, Mumbai – 400 037

5.     The Regional Transport Office,
Old Body Guard Lane,
Mumbai- 400 034.

6.     The Regional Transport Office,
 Western Region
Ambivli Village,
Opp. Manish Nagar,
Andheri West, Mumbai 400 053

7.     The Commissioner of Police,
Mumbai Police Head Quarters,
Crawford Market, Mumbai.

8.     The Registrar of Money Lending,
6th Floor, Malhotra House,
Opp. CST Railway Terminus,

9.     The Addl. Commissioner of Police,
Economic Offence Wing,
Mumbai Police Head Quarters,
                  Crawford Market, Mumbai.

10.           The Deputy Director General,
Investigation, Income Tax

11.           The Senior Police Inspector,
Bhoiwada Police Station,
Dadar East, Mumbai.

12.           The Joint Commissioner of Police,
Traffic Police head Quarters,
Worli, Mumbai

13.           The General Manager,
Non-Banking Sector,
Reserve Bank of India,
Worli, Mumbai

14.           Ruby Enterprises / Finance Company,
Gurunanak Market,
Opp. Chitra Cinema, Dr. Ambedkar Road,
Dadar East, Mumbai 400014.

15.           Bobby Enterprises
Gurunanak Market,
Opp. Chitra Cinema, Dr. Ambedkar Road,
Dadar East, Mumbai 400014.

16.           Singh Motors
Gurunanak Market,
Opp. Chitra Cinema, Dr. Ambedkar Road,
Dadar East, Mumbai 400014.

17.           Khalsa Enterprises
Gurunanak Market,
Opp. Chitra Cinema, Dr. Ambedkar Road,
Dadar East, Mumbai 400014.

18.           Singh Motors
Gurunanak Market,
Opp. Chitra Cinema, Dr. Ambedkar Road,
Dadar East, Mumbai 400014.

19.           Ajmani Enterprises,
Gurunanak Market,
Opp. Chitra Cinema, Dr. Ambedkar Road,
Dadar East, Mumbai 400014.

20.           Guru deep Finance,
S. V Road,
Santacruz West,

21.           Gill Finance,
Gurunanak Market,
Opp. Chitra Cinema, Dr. Ambedkar Road,
Dadar East, Mumbai 400014.

22.           Gill Enterprises,
Gurunanak Market,
Opp. Chitra Cinema, Dr. Ambedkar Road,
Dadar East, Mumbai 400014.

23.           Gandhi Finance,
 Gurunanak Market,
Opp. Chitra Cinema, Dr. Ambedkar Road,
Dadar East, Mumbai 400014.

24.           CG Enterprises,
Gurunanak Market,
Opp. Chitra Cinema, Dr. Ambedkar Road,
Dadar East, Mumbai 400014.
25.           GG Enterprises,
Gurunanak Market,
Opp. Chitra Cinema, Dr. Ambedkar Road,
Dadar East, Mumbai 400014.

26.           Raj Enterprises,
Gurunanak Market,
Opp. Chitra Cinema, Dr. Ambedkar Road,
Dadar East, Mumbai 400014.

27.           Auto Business & Finance Corporation,
21, Snehdhara CHS
Jeevan Vikas Marg,
Sahar Road, Andheri East,
      Mumbai 400 069

28.           Sai  Enterprises,
Chhabinath, Pande Chawl,
Sahar Road, Marol Naka,
Andheri (East)

29.           Bhardwaj Enterprises,
Narain Nagar L.B.S Road,
Ghatkopar (W),
Mumbai – 400 084

30.           Pawan Credit  Co-operative Society Ltd.,
Singh Niwas,
Kalina, Santacruz (East),
Mumbai – 400 098

31.           Sudhiksha Credit Co-operative Society,
1, Radhavilas Apartment,
Vamanrao Bhoier Marg,
Near Kandharpada lake,
Mumbai – 400 068
The Hon’ble Chief Justice,
And The Other Pusine Hon’ble Judges,
Of the High Court of Bombay

                                                                                     The petitioners submit as under:

Respectfully SHOWETH:
1.     The Petitioners submit that the cause of action for filing this Public Interest Litigation petition has arisen in Mumbai and this Hon’ble Court has jurisdiction under Article 226 of the Constitution of India to try and entertain this petition.
2.     The Petitioner No. 1 states that, he has thoroughly studied and researched on the subject matter of the present petition for the last five years.
3.     That the petitioners states that Petitioner No. 1 is a Trade Union formed by the Taxi men under the name and style of Mumbai Taximen Sangathan & Petitioners No. 2 to 5 are law students.  Respondent No. 1 is the State of Maharashtra; Respondent No. 2 is the Chief Secretary, Government of Maharashtra. Respondent No. 3 is the State Transport Authority (constituted under the provisions of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1988). Respondent No. 4, 5 & 6 are the Regional Transport Offices, Eastern, Western & central respectively (constituted under the provisions of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1988).Respondent No.7 is the Commissioner of Police, Mumbai Police Head quarters. Respondent No. 8 is the Registrar for Money Lending, appointed by the Government of Maharashtra under the Bombay Money Lending Act, 1946.  Respondent No. 9 is the Addl. Commissioner of Police, Economic Offence Wing. Respondent No. 10 is the Dy. Director General of Investigation, Income Tax, Mumbai. Respondent No. 11 is the Senior Inspector of Police, Bhoiwada Police Station, Dadar East, Mumbai, Respondent No. 12 is the Joint Commissioner of Police, Traffic. Respondent No. 13 is the General Manager, Department of Non Banking Supervision, Mumbai Regional Office, Reserve Bank of India. Respondent No. 14 to 29 are the private Money Lenders and Respondent No. 30 and 31 are co-operative housing societies. The Petitioners are the residents of Mumbai, Maharashtra and are doing business of running taxis in Mumbai and as such are competent to invoke the extra – ordinary jurisdiction of this Hon’ble court.

4.     That the Petitioners state that, the Subject Matters of the Present Petition are as under :

(a)           The Bombay Money Lending Act, 1946 and the Maharashtra Money Lending (Regulation) Bill, 2010.
(b)           The Registrar of Money Lending has failed to implement the Bombay Money Lending Act, 1946.
(c)            No Money Lenders have money lending license mandatory under section 5 of the Bombay Money Lending Act. 1946
(d)            The State of Maharashtra passed the Maharashtra Money Lending (Regulation) Bill, 2010 but the same bill is reserved by the Hon’ble Governor of Maharashtra since 2010.
(e)           The State of Maharashtra is not keen to implement the Maharashtra Money Lending (Regulation) Bill, 2010 in the interest of public at large.
(f)             The Respondent No. 1 to 6 failed to check the Money Lending License of the Money Lenders and also failed to check the Hire Purchase Agreement before Hypothecation of the Vehicle.
(g)           The Respondent No. 12 to 32 are not ready to furnish the copy of the agreement and account statements to the loan borrowers.
(h)           The Respondent No. 12 to 32 had taken the copy of the original registration book / permit of the vehicle along with the signed blank RTO forms in their custody.
(i)             The Money lenders are charging the interest as per their whims and even more than 36% and also deduct the commission of their agents and filling charges up to 30% of the loan amount.
(j)             The Money Lenders issue the provisional receipts in the names of the drivers instead of the loan borrowers.
(k)           The Money Lenders issue the provisional receipts in the name of different firms on their own and not from the one who has actually given the loan.
(l)             The Money Lenders takes the loan repayment forcibly and illegally through muscle power / gundas and even takes away the possession of the vehicles  forcibly.
(m)        The Money lenders sell the vehicle of the loan borrower without any intimation to the loan borrowers.
(n)          The Money lenders are using forge / prepare false valuation certificate of the vehicle.
(o)           The Loan borrowers take the loan from the money lenders against the mortgage of their old vehicle and not on the permit.
(p)           The Money Lenders are acting as a permit mafia in the city of Mumbai and more than 50% permits are under their control.
(q)           The Money Lenders force the loan borrowers to take the insurance from them and they charge very high for the insurance of the vehicle and give only one cover note of the insurance company but do not hand over the original insurance policy
(r)              The respondent no. 1 to 6 did not check the original permit and the original Registration book, when the vehicle / taxi / auto rickshaws are on road.  

5.     That the Petitioner No. 1 states that, he is the General Secretary of the Mumbai Taximen Sangathan and the Chief Executive Officer of the Tristars Alliance Group. It is pertinent to note that earlier the petitioner was the Chief Executive Officer of the Asian Sky Shop Limited. The details of the office bearers of the present petitioner are as under:
Mr. Bhupendra Surani – President
Mr. Shiv Adhar Yadav – Vice President
Mr. Sanjay Khemka – General Secretary
Mr. Kanhaiya Singh – Secretary
Mr. Hemant Khemka – Treasurer

6.     That the Petitioners state that, petitioners or any of the petitioners when there are more than one, is/are or has not been involved in any other civil, revenue, criminal litigation in any, capacity before any Court or Tribunal and if so, complete details of such litigation including 

7.     That the Petitioner No. 1 is the registered Trade Union under the name and style of Mumbai Taximen Sangathan. The Petitioners are the residents of Mumbai, Maharashtra and are doing the business of running taxis in Mumbai and Maharashtra, as such are competent to invoke the extra-ordinary jurisdiction of this Hon'ble court. The copy of the Trade certificate is attached herewith as Annexure – P-1.
8.     That the present petition is filed through Shri. Sanjay Khemka, the Secretary of the Mumbai Taximen Sangathan and Petitioner No. 2 to 5 are law students, who are well conversant with the facts of the case and common point of law, as such this writ petition is filed. The copy of the Resolution is attached herewith as Annexure – P-2.
9.     That the Petitioners state that, The Bombay Money Lending Act, 1946 is enforced in the state of Maharashtra. The copy of the said Act is annexed as Annexure P-3. It is pertinent to note that The Maharashtra Money Lending (Regulation) Bill, 2010 was passed by the State Legislative Assembly and is reserved with the Honorable Governor of Maharashtra till date and no notification has been published to date.
a.      That the Petitioner states that, Mumbai is the financial capital of India but there is an auto /taxi permit mafia working in Mumbai city for the last few decades and this mafia is also running an illegal money lending racket.  It is pertinent to note that more than Rs. 2500 Cr black money is involved in the said racket.
b.     That the Petitioner states that, this mafia is working with corrupt officials of the Respondent No. 3, 4 & 5.
Modus operandi of the Money Lender’s Mafia in Mumbai:
(i)                           They take the signatures of the permit holders of the taxi men/ auto men on innumerable blank forms, papers, RTO forms, hire purchase agreement, stamp papers etc.
(ii)                        They pay the amount to the car / auto dealers or the loan borrowers in cash after deducting 15% file charges and 10% commission of their agents.
(iii)                      They do not give any copy of the hire purchase agreement or any other documents to the permit holders. It is pertinent to note that the loan borrowers do not know which of the finance firm / company had given loan to them.
(iv)                      They issue the receipt of the EMI in the name of other firms as well as in the name of the driver of the taxi / auto instead of the name of the loan borrowers. The copy of the said receipt is annexed as Annexure P-4 (collectively).
(v)                        They charge minimum 36% interest on the total loan amount.
(vi)                      All the money lenders are not having the money lending license which is mandatory as per Section 5 of Money Lending Act, 1946.  They are not registered with the Department of Non-Banking Supervision, Mumbai region of the Reserve Bank of India. The copy of the letter received from the bank is annexed as Annexure P-5.
(vii)                   All the money lenders provide the loan in cash and receive EMI of the said loan in cash and do not accept cheque.
(viii)                 For financing the new vehicles the money lenders are using the Pan Card numbers of the taximen /auto men and paying lacs of rupees in cash to the car and auto dealers.
(ix)                      The money lenders first make one receipt showing that they had purchased the taxi/auto from the permit holders with the remark “fitted with the permit” and the amount is in full and final settlement of the sale price. The copy of the official sale receipt received from the money lenders is annexed as Annexure P-6.
(x)                         The money lenders then hand over the same vehicle which they had purchased from the permit holders or the loan borrowers after taking the receipt for vehicle. The copy of the handed over vehicle’s agreement is annexed as Annexure P-7.
(xi)                      The money lenders got signed blank hire purchase agreements without taking any signatures from the guarantors / witnesses.
(xii)                    The money lenders take the signatures on the blank forms 34 & 35 from the permit holders/borrowers.  The copy of the said blank agreement is annexed as Annexure P-8.
(xiii)                 The money lenders are in possession of the original registration book. It is pertinent to note that as per the provision of the Motor Vehicle Act, the original registration book should be with the vehicle when the vehicle is on the road.
(xiv)                 The money lenders issue rough receipts on plain cards/ plain papers to the permit holders on which they received the money. The copy of the said rough receipts is annexed as Annexure P-9 (collectively).
(xv)                    When the permit holders want to renew their permits or get their vehicles passed from the Respondent No. 3, 4, & 5 then they need the NOC from the Money lenders and money lenders demand a huge amount to issue the NOC. It is pertinent to note that respondent no. 3, 4 & 5 have always failed to issue the notice as per Section 51 (7) of Motor Vehicle Act to the money lenders. The Section 51 (7) is reproduced as under:
 51 (7): Special provisions regarding motor vehicle subject to hire purchase agreement, etc Within seven days of the receipt of an application under sub-section (6) the financier may issue, or refuse, for reasons which shall be recorded in writing communicate to the applicant, to issue, the certificate applied for, and where the financier fails to issue the certificate and also fails to communicate the reasons for refusal to issue the certificate to the applicant within the said period of seven days, the certificate applied for shall be deemed to have been issued by the financier.
(xvi)                 It is pertinent to note that due to the conspiracy between the money lenders and Respondent Nos. 3, 4 & 5, most of the permit holders are unable to renew their permits due to the non issuance of NOC by the money lenders. It is further pertinent to note that the money lenders have various fictitious sister concerns and even the loan borrowers do not know as to which firm had given the loan to them.
(xvii)               It is further pertinent to note that few money lenders had issued receipt on different names of firms when the permit holders paid the EMI to them. It is further pertinent to note that the money lenders issued the receipts of EMI on which three firm’s names were printed but the loan borrowers do not know from which firm they received the   money exactly and to whom they are paying.   The copies of the said receipts are annexed as Annexure P-10 (collectively).
(xviii)            It is further pertinent to note that when any loan borrower used to send a notice to the money lenders relating to the NOC or asking about the money lender license, the money lenders used to reply to the loan borrower that, “they do not carry on any money lending business  hence, Bombay Money Lending Act does not apply.” The copies of the said notices relating to NOCs are annexed as Annexure P-11 (collectively).
10.     That the Petitioners state that, the Petitioners had filed a RTI application with the office of the Registrar for Money Lending appointed by the Government of Maharashtra, under which they received information from different offices and they were shocked and surprised to know that no money lender has a money lending license which is mandatory as per section 5 of the Bombay Money Lending Act. The copy of the money lender’s list is attached herewith as Annexure – P-12 in which the name of the money lenders/Respondents who are dealing in financing taxis / autos is mentioned.
11.     That the Petitioners state that, the Petitioners had filed an application under the RTI Act with the office of the Department of Non-Banking supervision Mumbai region / Reserve Bank of India for seeking the information about the Respondent No. 12 to 28 to know whether they are registered with them as non-banking companies / firms, but when the Petitioners received the information from the said bank then they were shocked and surprised to know that none of the Respondent money lenders were  registered with  the RBI and the RBI informed the petitioners that they had forwarded the copy of the Petitioner’s complaint to the Economic Offence Wing of Mumbai police i.e. Respondent No. 8 but no action has been taken by them till date willfully and deliberately.  Copy of the reply of the Reserve Bank of India dated 14th June 2011 is annexed as Annexure P-13.
12.     That the Petitioners state that, Innumerable loan borrowers were cheated by the money lenders or the Respondents mentioned above in the case title that do not hold a money lending license as per Section 5 of Money Lending Act.  Innumerable permit holders made a complaint with the Senior Inspector of Police, Bhoiwada Police Station or Respondent No. 10 but the Respondent No. 10 failed to take any action against the money lenders or the Respondent Nos. 12 to 23.  Copies of the complaints are annexed as Annexure P-14.
13.     That the Petitioners state that, Petitioners had filed an application under the RTI Act, 2005 with the request to Respondent No. 10 to furnish the copies of the complaints filed by loan borrowers against the Respondent Nos. 12 to 23 with their report mentioning the action taken for the last 10 years but the Respondent No. 10 failed to furnish the information willfully and deliberately.  Thereafter, the Petitioner No. 1 filed an appeal before the First Appellate Authority under the RTI Act, 2005 for non-furnishing of the information by Respondent No. 10.  The First Appellate Authority i.e. Zonal Deputy Commissioner of Police had passed the order and directed the Respondent No. 10 to furnish the information to the Petitioners within 7 days, even then Respondent No. 10 had failed to furnish the information to the Petitioners willfully and deliberately. Copies of the RTI application and order passed by First Appellate Authority are annexed as Annexure P-15(collectively).
14.     That the Petitioners state that, the Petitioners had filed a representation before Respondent Nos. 3, 4 & 5 to take immediate and necessary action against Respondent Nos. 12 to 28 or the money lenders who do not have or carry the money lending license as per Section 5 of the Money Lending Act. It is pertinent to note that, the Respondent 3, 4 & 5 have failed to take any action or decision on the representation filed by the Petitioners till date deliberately and willfully. 
15.     That the Petitioners state that they were shocked and surprised when they came to know that the leading trade union/association of the Taximen had also hypothecated the vehicles of their taximen. The Constitution of the Mumbai Taximen Union has no such provision to hypothecate the vehicle on the name of the money lenders even then the Respondent Nos. 3, 4 & 5 have indulged in hypothecating the taxis on their name.
16.     That the petitioners state that, few major car dealers are also involved with this money lending mafia who are selling vehicles of Maruti and Hyundai brands as taxis and they are accepting lakhs of rupees in cash from the money lenders and using the PAN cards of the poor taximen.  It is pertinent to note that if the Respondent No. 9 conducts the investigation seriously they will discover black money amounting Rs. 1000 of crores.
17.     That the Petitioners state that, A number of suits were filed by the money lenders, who do not have valid money lending license as per the provision of The Bombay Money Lending Act, 1946 or Respondent No. 12 to 28 in this case, against the loan borrowers in the various Hon’ble courts or in the Hon’ble High Court of Bombay, which adds to an unnecessary extra burden on the Honorable Judiciary. It is pertinent to note that section 10 of the Bombay Money Lenders Act, 1946 amended in 1975 clearly mentioned that ”no court shall pass a decree in favour of a money lender in any suit to which this Act applies (including such suit pending in the court before the commencement of the Bombay Money Lenders  (Amendment) Act 1975 unless the court is satisfied that as the time when the loan or any part thereof, to which the suit relates was advanced, the money lender held a valid license, and if the court  is satisfied that the money lender did not hold a valid license, it shall dismiss the suit”.
18.     That the Petitioners state that, the Petitioners had also lodged a protest against the money lenders / credit co-operative societies and co-operative banks for exploitation of taximen at large by the name of “HALLA BOL MOVEMENT” with the prior intimation to the State Government and the Respondent Nos. 2, 3, 4 & 5 but no initiative or any action has been taken by the State and the Respondent Nos. 2 to 10 against the illegal activities of the money lenders. The copy of the said letter dated 26/04/2011 is annexed as Annexure P-16.
19.     That the Petitioners state that, the Petitioners have sent many representations to the State of Maharashtra and other authorities along with Respondent Nos. 2 to 10 regarding the illegal possession of the registration book of taxis and autos along with signatures of the permit holders on the blank papers and also RTO forms by the private financiers, money lenders, credit co-operative societies etc.  But till date neither action has been taken nor has any reply been sent by any authority or the Respondent Nos. 2 to 10.  Copy of the representations dated May 10, 2011 is annexed as Annexure P-17.
20.     That the Petitioners state that, Respondent Nos. 2, 3 , 4, 5, 6, 10 & 11 know very well that all the taxis and auto rickshaws original registration books are in the illegal custody of the money lenders, co-operative societies, banks etc…… It is pertinent to note that the Respondent Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10 & 11 do not demand or check the original registration book, permit and other documents, deliberately and willfully because they know very well that these papers are in the illegal custody of money lenders or the other financial institutions who are exploiting the poor taximen / auto men. It is further pertinent to note that the Respondent Nos. 3, 4, 5 & 11 have instructed their staff to check only the license and not the original permit or registration book of the taximen / auto men. It proves the nexus between the money lender mafia and Respondent Nos. 3, 4, 5 & 11.
21.     That the Petitioners state that, the money lenders or the credit co-operative societies or the financial institutions insist or force the permit holder or the taximen / auto men to take the insurance from them on hire rates. It is pertinent to note that in fact the money lenders/Respondents had taken the money from the taximen / auto men and had just given the cover note of the insurance company even though most of them had not paid the insurance amount to the insurance company. The taximen / auto men never get the original insurance policy and they are running the vehicle without the insurance for year after year.
22.     That the Petitioners state that, in similar manner the credit co-operative societies are also doing the finance / money lending business.  It is pertinent to note that the State of Maharashtra had exempted these credit co-operative societies from the money lending act, then too they are exploiting the taximen / auto men in the same way as the money lenders, but no authority is ready to take any action against them. It is pertinent to note that the office of the Asst. Registrar who is dealing with the matter under section 101 of the Maharashtra Co-operative Society Act is indirectly run by the credit co-operative societies and these offices have become a kind of settlement junctions for the said credit co-operative societies.
23.     That the Petitioners state that, these credit co-operative societies are in possession of the binding book of the agreements along with all the RTO forms and other papers, in which they take the signatures on the blank booklets from the loan borrowers but no copy of the loan agreement and other papers  are provided to the taximen.
24.     That the Petitioners state that, these money lenders / credit societies had taken the false valuation certificates of the vehicles and shown the value of the vehicles more than double the market price.  It is pertinent to note that in real they are included in the market cost of the permit. The copy of the   valuation certificate is annexed as Annexure P-18 for ready reference and prove how these money lenders / credit societies are cheated the taximen /auto men at large.
25.     That the Petitioners state that, the Respondent No. 28 i.e. Pawan Credit Co-operative Society had showed the loan Rs. 1, 28,000/- to the loan borrower and repayable in the monthly installment of Rs. 1,524/- in 84 installments but the respondent no. 28 is taking the EMI of Rs. 4,500/-. The copy of the said agreement is enclosed as Annexure P-19.
26.     That the Petitioners state that the Government of Maharashtra had passed the Maharashtra Money Lending (Regulation) Bill 2010 in the year 2010 but the same bill is reserved by the Hon’ble Governor of Maharashtra since long and the state is not keen to implement the same in the interest of public at large.
27.     That the Petitioners state that, a number of loan borrowers have filed their complaints against the illegal and criminal act of the money lenders, particularly with the Senior Police Inspector, Bohiwada i.e., Respondent No. 11 and he has failed to take any cognizance against the money lenders till date deliberately and willfully. 
28.     That the Petitioners state that, the Respondent No. 12 to 32 are using muscle power to take the illegal possession of the taxi vehicle from the taximen /auto men without giving any notice and they sell the same in the market without any intimation to the owner of the permit holder.
29.     That the Petitioners state that, a number of taximen /permit holders have raised their voice against the illegal act of the money lenders or the financial institutes but no action has been taken till date.
30.     That the present petition is being filed by way of Public Interest Litigation and the Petitioner does not have any personal interest in the matter
31.     The petition is being filed in the interest of the Taximen as well as public at large. Hence this present petition is filed by the present Petitioners i.e. Mumbai Taximen Sangathan and the Law Students.
32.     That the entire litigation costs, including the other cost/ fee and other charges are being borne by the petitioner no. 1. The PAN No. of the Petitioner is AQMPK6798B.

33.     The Petitioner has not filed any other petition in this Hon’ble Court or in the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India wherein the impugned actions are subject matter of challenge
34.       That a thorough research has been conducted in the matter raised through the petition (all the relevant material in respect of such research shall be annexed with the petition).
35.     That to the best of the petitioner(s) knowledge and research, the issue raised was not dealt with or decided and that a similar or identical petition was not filed earlier by him/it
36.     That the Petitioner has understood that in the course of hearing of this petition the Court may require any security to be furnished towards costs or any other charges and the petitioner shall have to comply with such requirements.
37.     That the Petitioners state that the Petitioner had made several representations before the Authorities but no reply has been given by such authorities, the reasons best known to them.
38.     That the Petitioners states that there is no delay, for filing the present petition.
39.     That the petitioners state that no caveat has been filed or any notice has been received of lodging a caveat by the respondents /opposite party.
40.     That the Petitioners state that they do not have any personal or private interest and the present Petition has been filed  in the interest for the benefits and welfare of the taximen/automen, who are put into the similar kind of situation as the Petitioners are at present.

41.     The Petitioners submit that there is no other efficacious and effective remedy as available under the law otherwise that the remedy in Writ Jurisdiction.
42.     The Petitioners are paying fixed court fee of Rs. 1000/- for the purpose of this petition.
43.     The Petitioner shall rely upon documents, a list whereof is annexed hereto and also the documents to which reference has been made in this petition.
That the following questions of law point are involved in the present writ petition for the kind consideration of this Hon’ble Court:-  
xii)           Whether the license is necessary as per the section 5 of the Money Lending Act, 1946 to the Money Lenders in the city of Mumbai or the State of Maharashtra.
xiii)         Whether the copy of the agreements executed between the permit holders and the money lenders is necessary to provide the permit holders / borrowers.
xiv)         Whether the Respondent No. 1 to 6 are a duty bound to see the money lending license as per section 5 of the Bombay Money Lending Act, 1946 before hypothecation of the vehicle?
xv)           Whether the Respondent No. 2 to 6 are duty bound to accept the renewal fee of the permit from the permit holders till the permit holders get the NOC from the money lenders?
xvi)         Whether the Petitioners are entitled to renewal their permits /replacement order of their permits without the NOC of the money lenders who do not have the money lending license under the Bombay Money Lending Act, 1946 and further can be allowed to continue their business
xvii)      Whether the act of the Respondent No. 2 to 6 are legal and justify when they are not ready to take / accept the papers in inward and not accepting the renewal fee on time?
xviii)    Whether grave and manifest injustice has been done with the Petitioners?
44.     That the Petitioners are left with no other alternative remedy except to approach this Hon’ble Court by way of filing the present writ petition under articles 226/227 of the Constitution of India.
45.     The statutory remedy of appeal/revision of quashing the impugned orders is not available to the Petitioners against the impugned order.
46.     The petitioners craves leave off this Hon’ble Court ot add, amend, alter, delete and/or rescind any of the averments and/or submissions made hereinabove  with the leave of this Hon’ble Court.
It is, therefore, respectfully prayed that under the peculiar facts and circumstances of the present case, this Hon’ble Court may be pleased to:-

(i)               Summon the whole record of the present case and after perusing the same may be pleased to ;
(ii)            Issue a writ, direction or order against respondents No. 1 & 2 to take necessary action for implementation of Bombay Money Act, 1946 and the Maharashtra Money Lending (Regulation) Bill, 2010
(iii)          Issue a writ/direction/order against respondents No. 3 to 6 to cancel the hypothecation of money lenders, not having money lending license
(iv)          Issue a writ, direction or order against respondent No. 8 and 13 to initiate action against the individuals, firms, societies or companies engaged in the business of money lending under the garb of hire-purchase, without having money lending license as per the provisions of Bombay Money Lending Act.
(v)            Issue a writ direction or order against the respondent’s No. 14   to 31 to reject the applications filed by money lenders or of any other money lenders not having money lending license in accordance with Bombay Money Lending Act, for recovery of loan.
(vi)          To direct the respondent no. 7, 9 & 11 to register the crime against the money lenders who do not carry the money lending licence and doing cheating and forgery with the taximen / public at large.
(vii)       To direct the respondent no. 12 to make sure the original registration book, original insurance policy and the copy of the permit along with all the other papers with the vehicle when plying on road.
(viii)     To direct the respondent No.7 to take action against the Senior Police inspector, Bhoiwada for not taking any action on the complaint of the taximen at large    
(ix)          To direct the respondent no. 10 to conduct proper investigation about the black money used by the money lenders and submit their report before this Hon’ble Court within 3 months.
(x)             To direct the respondent no. 4 to 6 to accept the permit renewal fee from the loan borrowers / money lenders till they get the NOC from them as per the law.
(xi)          To direct the respondent no. 4 to 6 to check /scrutiny the hire purchase agreement as per the law and keep the copy in their record before doing the hypothecation and also keep the copy of the money lending licence in their  record.
(xii)        To direct the respondent no. 4 to 6 to renew the permits and issue the replacement order to the taximen at large, which permits were unable to renew due to the illegal acts of the money lenders.
(xiii)     To issue any other appropriate writ, order or direction which this Hon’ble Court may deem fit and proper under the facts and circumstances of the present case;
(xiv)     To dispense with the service of advance notice upon the respondents;
(xv)        To dispense with the filing of the certified copies of the Annexure
(xvi)     To accept the present writ petition with costs in favor of the petitioner and against the respondents.
Place: Mumbai
Dated:    17-02- 2012

                                                PETITIONERS IN PERSON

We, Sanjay Khemka, Aarti Cindala, Arka Navle and Madhavi Garde the petitioners above named, Verified that the contents on the forgoing paragraphs mentioned above  are true and correct to my knowledge and or believed to be true and correct as per legal information received and believed to be correct. No part of it is incorrect and false and nothing material fact has been kept concealed there from.
Place: Mumbai
Dated: 17- 02 -2012        

Petitioners in Person            
Before me

In the Hon’ble High Court Judicature at Bombay
Ordinary Original Civil Jurisdiction
Public Interest Litigation Writ No                   of 2012

Mumbai Taximen Sangathan & Others      …...Petitioners
The State of Maharashtra & others …….Respondents

1.     Copy of the Trade certificate.
2.     Copy of the Resolution.
3.     Copy of the Bombay Money Lending Act, 1946.
4.     Copy of the EMI receipts.
5.     Copy of the letter received from the RBI.
6.     Copy of the official sale receipt received from the money lenders.
7.     Copy of the handed over vehicle’s agreement.
8.     Copy of the blank agreement.
9.     Copy of the of the plain paper receipts.
10.      Copy of the EMI receipts with names of different firms.
11.      Copy of the notices with reference to NOCs.
12.      Copy of the money lender’s list.
13.      Copy of the reply of the Reserve Bank of India dated 14th June 2011.
14.      Copies of the complaints by permit holders.
15.      Copies of the RTI application and order passed by first appellate authority.
16.      Copy of the letter dated 26/04/2011.
17.      Copy of the representations dated May 10, 2011.
18.      Copy of the   valuation certificate.
19.      Copy of the Hire purchase agreement by Pawan Credit
    Co- operative Society

Petitioners in person

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