Wednesday 18 April 2012

Mumbai Taxi Permit Holders Cheated by Fleet taxi Compnaies


THIS AGREEMENT is made on this 29th  day of January 2008 (‘Agreement Date’)
Shri Abdul Aziz SK. Mehboob   an Indian Inhabitant of Mumbai presently residing at R.A.K. Road, Mulla Panwala, New Pratap Nagar, Wadala, Mumbai 400 037     
(hereinafter referred to as the ‘Permit Holder’ which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof shall always mean and include his heirs, executors, and administrators) of the ONE PART:
V-LINK TAXIS PVT. LTD., a company incorporated under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 having its registered office at 283/2243, Motilal Nagar, Off Link Road, (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company’, which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof shall always mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER part;
A.      The Government of Maharashtra, India (‘GOM’) is keen to implement a project entitled ‘Mumbai Fleet Taxi Service Scheme, 2006’ which envisages the up-gradation and replacement of current hand hailed taxi system by ‘Fleet Taxi System’ (the ‘Project’)
B.      The Company has obtained the approval of GOM to implement and operate the Project, in the first phase involving replacement of 10,000 existing taxis in Mumbai.
C.      The Permit Holder is the sole owner of the small taxi permit no. P.C.O.P. No.  ___11712/89/C  issued by the Secretary, Regional transport Authority, Mumbai issued to him on ____________________________ (‘Permit’).  A copy of the Permit is annexed hereto and marked Schedule A:
D.     The Permit Holder is desirous of granting permission to the Company to use the permit on a vehicle owned or to be owned by the Company and / or any other person, nominated by the Company to enable the company to co-ordinate and conduct the business of operation of Fleet Taxi Service, on the basis of the permit so provided by the permit holder.  Likewise, the Company is desirous of covering a vehicle owned by the Company or by any of its nominee under the permit, and
E.      The Parties are desirous of entering into this Agreement to govern the relationship of the Parties in order to ensure smooth and successful implementation of the Project, in the spirit of mutual confidence, trust and co-operation, as appearing hereinafter.
1.1   In this Agreement (including the recitals and the annexure hereto), the following terms to be extent not inconsistent with the context thereof, shall have the meaning as defined below:

(a)  “Act” shall mean the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 read with Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989 as amended from time to time.

(b)  “Affiliate” of a Party shall mean in the case of any Party other than a natural person, any other person that, either directly or indirectly through one or more intermediate person controls, is controlled by or is under common with such Parts:

(c)   “Agreement” or “the Agreement” or “this Agreement” shall mean this Agreement as from time to time amended, supplemented or replaced or otherwise modified and any document, which amends, supplements, replaces or otherwise modifies this Agreement in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, together with the annexure attached hereto:

(d)  “Effective Date” shall mean the date on which the authorities under the Act and the  Scheme (as defined below) has granted all necessary permissions/sanctions/licenses for the usage of the Permit by the Company.

(e)  “Execution Date” shall mean the date on which the Permit Holder shall provide the Company all documents in general as listed under Clause 4.2 mentioned below, including but not limited to the original Vehicle Replacement Order from RTO.

(f)    “Party” shall mean Permit Holder or the Company, referred to individually and “Parties” shall mean the Permit Holder and the company referred to collectively;

(g)  “person” shall mean an individual, a corporation, a partnership, a joint venture, a trust or unincorporated organization, a joint stock company or other similar organization or any other legal entity:

(h)  “Representation” shall mean representations of the Permit Holder as specified in Clause 8 of this Agreement.

(i)    “Scheme” shall mean Fleet Taxi Service Scheme, 2006 framed under the Act as amended from time to time: and

(j)    “Term” shall mean a period of 20 years commencing from the Effective Date, and the period pursuant to a renewal of this Agreement in accordance with the terms hereof.

1.1.1     Interpretation
1.2.1    The terms referred to in this Agreement shall, unless defined otherwise herein or inconsistent with the context or meaning thereof, bear the meaning ascribed to it under the relevant statue / legislation.
1.2.2    Words denoting the singular shall include the plural and words denoting any gender shall include all genders.
1.2.3    Headings   to clauses, sub-clauses and paragraphs are for information only and shall not form part of the operative provisions of this Agreement or the annexure hereto and shall be ignored in construing the same.
1.2.4          The terms “hereof” hereto” and derivate or similar words refer to this entire Agreement or specified Clauses of this Agreement, as the case may be.
2.               APPROVALS
The rights and obligations of the Parties under this Agreement relating to the use of the Permit are subject to receipt of necessary approvals from the governmental /regulatory authorities under the Act and the Scheme and shall be effective and binding from the Effective Date.  All other rights, obligations, undertakings, Representations of the Parties as specified in this Agreement shall be effective and binding from the Agreement Date.

    3                  PERMISSION
     3.1              The Permit Holder declares that he is the sole and absolute owner of the Permit and hereby expressly, unconditionally and irrevocably grants to the Company a right to use the Permit for the Term and on the terms and conditions contained herein.
    3.2               The Permit Holder hereby agrees and acknowledges that the Company has and shall continue to have an unfettered right to use the Permit in the manner the Company deems fit for its benefits and interests.
3.3                The Permit Holder agrees and acknowledges that the Company may at its sole discretion use/apply the Permit on a vehicle owned / taken on lease by the Company and/or any other person nominated by the Company, to enable the Company to co-ordinate and conduct the business of operation of fleet taxi system on the basis of the Permit.  The Permit Holder further agrees executors and administrators agree and undertake to allow, ratify and confirm all and whatsoever the Company shall lawfully do or cause to be done in or about the premises herein contained.
4.1    On the Agreement Date the Permit Holder shall provide the company the following    documents:
1.      Copy of permit
2.      Copy of acceptable address and photograph of Permit Holder
3.      Copy of R.C.. Book, Insurance, Fitness Certificate and Tax Paid Challan of the taxi on which the                                 permit is presently existing (‘Taxi’)
4.      Details of Permit and Taxi
5.      Copies of the documents relating to insurance
6.      Such other documents as the Company may specify

4.2      The Permit Holder shall provide the following original documents to the company , within seven   days of receiving a notice from the Company for the same:
1.      Original Permit
2.      Original R.C. Book, Insurance, Fitness Certificate and Tax Paid Challan of the Taxi
3.      Original documents relating to cancellation of Registration Certificate from the Mumbai RTO
4.      Original vehicle Replacement Order Form from Mumbai RTO
5.      Signed Copies by the Permit Holder for Cancellation of Registration of Taxi, Form M.V. Rep. A, Form B.T.I, delivery note, Form 34, Form 35, Form 29 and Form 30
6.      Undertaking for being available at the time of Registration of Company Taxi. The date and time for being available for registration of the Company taxi shall be indicated by the Company
7.      Such other documents as the Company may specify

4.3        The Permit Holder shall on or after the Effective Date, be present   at the offices of the    authorities at the request of the Company, for the purpose obtaining registration of the permit on a new taxi and shall execute all such documents as the company requests and as are necessary to obtain registration of the permit on a new taxi.

4.4      The Permit Holder hereby agrees to provide such other documents and render such assistance to the Company as may be requested by the ompany from time to time .


           The Permit Holder here by undertakes to the Company that he:
a.       Shall not in any manner whatsoever circumvent or otherwise frustrate the intent of this Agreement;
b.      Shall not act in any manner prejudicial and contrary to the interest of the Company;
c.       Shall keep valid and effective the Permit during the Term and shall pay the required yearly validation charges (‘Charges’) for the Permit and shall take all such steps as may be necessary to enable the Company to use the Permit as contemplated herein and shall not take any step(s) that to cancellation or suspension or revocation of the Permit. In the event Permit Holder fails to pay the Charges, the Company, shall have the right to pay the same and recover such payments from the Permit Holder;
d.      Shall, at the request of the Company, obtain cancellation of registration of the Taxi and shall perform all such acts, execute and file all such documents as are necessary to grant the company a right to use the Permit in relation to any other taxi/vehicle.
e.       Shall not act in any manner which will lead to or cause the cancellation or suspension or revocation of the Permit; and
f.        Shall execute all further documents and agreements, writings and form as may reasonably be required by the Company for the use of the Permit and to give effect to the terms of this Agreement in letter and spirit the Permit Holder shall also extend full co-operation to enable the company to apply and use the permit.

          6               CONSIDERATION
6.1                     In consideration of the Permit Holder granting the right to use the Permit to the Company and in consideration of the Permit Holder agreeing to perform various obligation / undertakings and the Representation, the Company shall pay certain amounts to the Permit Holder in the manner and as specified in the Schedule B here to.
6.2                     In the event of renewal(s) of the Agreement pursuant to clause 10, the parties agree that the Company shall pay to the Permit Holder as consideration, the amount(s) specified in schedule B for a renewal of a further period of 20 years.
6.3                     Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, in the event the Taxi/Permit has been hypothecated to a bank/financial institutions by paying them whole or a part of the amount due and payable by the Permit Holder and such sum paid by the Company under Clauses 6.1 to the Permit Holder.

            7         REFUND

In the event the approvals as specified in Clause 2 of this Agreement are not granted  or delayed by the concerned authorities for any reason whatsoever or in the event  of     breach of any of the obligations by the Permit Holder the Permit Holder shall, forthwith ,   on a demand raised by the Company, refund the entire amount paid by the Company to the Permit Holder together with interest calculated at the rate of 18% per annum from  the date of payment of the amount to the date of refund.

In the event the Permit Holder fails to refund the money as specified above, the  Company shall be free to take, at the cost of the Permit Holder, any legal action that it may deem fit to recover its amounts due to it by the Permit Holder.
           8                REPRESENTATIONS
          8.1              The Permit Holder hereby represents to the Company that :
                           a.   the Taxi/Permit is free from any encumbrances whatsoever
                           b.   he is competent and free top enter into this Agreement;
   c.   he is not under any disability, restriction, or prohibition, contractual or  otherwise  which may prevent the Permit Holder from implementing any terms of this Agreement.
d.   he has not entered into and shall not enter into any Agreement which might conflict with this Agreement and has not created any third party rights or encumbrance on or  in respect of the permit;
e.   he shall not commit any act which might prejudice or damage the reputation of the  Company or which might inhibit, restrict or interfere with the successful Of the rights by company at any time; and

F                he has complied with and shall comply with and shall not act in any manner contrary    to the provisions of the Act and all applicable laws, rules and regulations relating to this Agreement.

8.2  The Permit Holder agrees and acknowledges that Company is entering into this Agreement based on the above mentioned representations.

          9                  IRREVOCABLE AUTHORITY
               The Permit Holder hereby nominates, constitutes and appoints the company to be his    true and lawful Attorney for him, to act in his name and on his behalf to represent him   before all governmental and regulatory authorities, to attend and to otherwise act for   him in all matters connected with the Permit and/or sale of the Taxi and/or repayment   of loan and to sign and execute all documents, Agreements, writings forms etc  relating to the Permit to all intents and purposes as the Permit Holder himself  could    do or have done in his own proper person, if this Agreement had not been executed. The Permit Holder further agrees that all acts, deeds and things lawfully done by the    Company, pursuant to the powers herein contained, shall be construed as acts, deeds and things have done by the Permit Holder.         

10                 RENEWAL
                     Subject to Clause 6.2, at the end of the ___20_ years from the Effective Date (“Renewal Date”) the Company shall have the option, at its sole discretion to renew this Agreement for 1 (one) further period of 20____ years and to use the Permit on the same terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, and any such renewal by the Company shall be binding on the Permit Holder.  Provided, in relation to the duration of the renewal, the Company may exercise its right of renewal at the Renewal date and / or at the end of the extended term for the remaining period, if any.
11.                CONFIDENTIALITY
                     The Parties recognize that each of them will be given and have access to confidential and proprietary information of the other Party.  The Parties undertake not to use any of such confidential information for their own purposes without the prior written   consent of the Party owning such information and shall use their best efforts to keep confidential and not to disclose to any person any of the other Party’s confidential and proprietary information.  The provisions of this clause shall survive the termination of this Agreement.
12.                INDEMNITY
                     The Permit Holder hereby indemnifies and agrees to keep indemnified the Company, it’s successors and assigns, estate and effects, directors, officers and employees and their heirs, executors and assigns harmless against all losses/damages arising due to i) any inaccuracy in the representations or ii) breach of any of the obligation under this Agreement or iii) any loan obtained by the permit holder in which the Permit or the taxi has been offered as a security.  The provisions of this Clause shall survive the termination of this Agreement.                     
                     If due to occurrence of any circumstances that are not directly attributable to the fault of the Company, the Company is unable to carry on the business and use the Permit as envisaged under this Agreement, the Company shall have a right to terminate this Agreement by giving a least _____________ days written a notice of ___________to the Permit Holder or make such other alternate arrangements as may be permissible under the Scheme        and the Act and recover damages from the Permit Holder for the loss suffered by it.
14.                ARBITRATION
                     The disputes arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be resolved by arbitration in accordance   with the  provisions of Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996.  Permit Holder shall be entitled to appoint one arbitrator and the Company shall be entitled to appoint one arbitrator.  The two appointed arbitrators shall jointly appoint the presiding arbitrator.
15.                NOTICES
                     Any notice provided for in this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be first transmitted by facsimile transmission, and then confirmed by postage, prepaid registered post with acknowledgement due or by internationally recognized courier service, in the manner, as elected by the Party giving such notice.
(a)  In the case of notices to the Permit Holder
Address:                           As specified above
For attention of
(b)  In the case of notices to the Company:
Address:                           As specified above
For attention of
15.2                 Any party may, from time to time, change its address of representative for receipt of notices__________ for in this Agreement by giving to all the other Parties not less than ten (10) days prior written notice.
16.                   MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
16.1                 Amendments and Waiver
                        No modification or amendment to this Agreement and no waiver of any of the terms or conditions hereof shall be valid or binding unless made in writing and duly executed by both parties. None of terms of this Agreement shall be deemed to have been waived or altered, unless such waiver alternation is in writing and is signed by the waiving party.
16.2                 Entirety
                        This Agreement is the entire Agreement recording the broad understanding reached between Parties in respect of the subject matter of this Agreement and supersedes and cancels all prior communications, representations, warranties and agreements whether oral or written.
16.3                 Relationship
                        None of the provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed to constitute a partnership between Parties hereto and no party shall have any authority to bind or shall be deemed to be the agent of other in any way.
16.4                 Governing law and jurisdiction
                        This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of India.  The courts competent jurisdiction in Mumbai shall have exclusive jurisdiction to resolve all matters/disputes relating to or arising out this Agreement.
16.5                 Costs
                        Each party shall bear its own expenses incurred in preparing and executing this Agreement.
16.6                 Assignment
                        The Company shall not be entitled to assign the benefit of this Agreement or any part thereof with the prior written consent of the permit holder which shall not be unreasonably withheld in the case any reputed corporate group of equal or greater standing than the Company and who agrees to                and become a party herein.  Provided however that no such consent shall be required in the case of assignment in favour of the Affiliate. Permit holder shall not be entitled to assign this Agreement in favour of any such person.
16.7                 Binding Effect on Successors and Legal Heirs
                        Notwithstanding anything contained herein the permit holder agrees and acknowledged that Agreement and/or any other instrument (s) executed by the permit holder concerning any matters hereof shall be binding on each of his successors and legal heirs whether pursuant to applicable       law, will of the permit holder or otherwise.

                SIGNED AND DELIVERED                                                               )
                BY THE WITHINNAMED “permit holder”                                 )
                Abdul Aziz Mehboob                                                                      )
                BY THE HAND OF                                                                              )
                ON THE 29th DAY OF January  2008                                           )
IN THE PRESENCE OF                                                                      )
                WITNESS                                                                                              )             
            NAME AND ADDRESS                                               )

            SIGNED AND DELIVERED                                                               )
                BY THE WITHINNAMED “Company”                                         )

                V-Link Taxis Pvt. Ltd
            BY THE HAND OF
                PURSUANT TO THE
THE COMPANY ON ________________
            ON THE _________ DAY OF ________ 20
            IN THE PRESENCE OF
            NAME AND ADDRESS

Agreement period
20 years
Effective date of agreement
Expiry date of agreement
Total consideration
Rs. 105000/-

On the Agreement date subject to receipt of the documents and performance of obligations as set out in Clause 4.1

Rs. 1000/-

On Execution Date subject to performance of obligations as set out in Clause 5 of the Agreement

Rs. 78,200/-

Rs. 1,000/-

On effective date subject to performance of obligations as set out in Clause 5 of the Agreement

Rs. 1,000/-

Rs. 23,800/-

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