Thursday 19 April 2012

Limitation on Taxi & Auto Rickshaw Permits & STA New Scheme in Mumbai

                                                                      EXHIBIT- A                                     
      Government of India
                                                                                                Ministry of Surface Transport,
                                                                                                Transport Bhavan,
                                                                                                Parliament Street,
                                                                                                New Delhi 110 001

No. RT-11012/2/07-MVI                                                 13th Nov. 1997


The Secretary Transport,
(Shri P.M.A. Hakeem),
Home Department,
Mumbai – 400 032

Subject: Prescribing of limiting the number of Contract Carriages regarding            


I am directed to refer to your letter no. MVA-0096/CM-9/CR-66/TRA-2 dated 14 October,  1997 on the subject noted above, and to say that in pursuance of clause (a) of sub-section (3) of section 74 of Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (59 of 1988), the Central Govt. hereby directs the Government of Maharashtra, to direct the concerned State Transport Authorities to limit, by a notification in Official Gazette, the number of taxis and auto rickshaws operating in Mumbai city and auto rickshaws in the cities of Thane, Pune, Nagpur, Solapur, Nashik and Aurangabad, generally or of any specified type as may be fixed and specified in the notification.

                                                    Yours faithfully,

                                  (J.R. Kapoor)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
                                 Tel # 3736885

Exhibit - B

Home Department
Mantralya, Mumbai – 400 032
Date : 26 September 1997

Motor Vehicle Act, 1988

No. MVA 0996/CM-9/66/Para 2- The way Central Rules of water and road transport Minister’s (Transport dept.) No. RT 11012/2/97-MVL, dated 13 November 1997 vide their letter, Motor Vehicle Act 1988 (1988 -59) clause 74 para (3) point (A) the State Government has been given an order that they should give an order to the State Transport Authority and Regional Transport Authority that they should curtail the number of autorikshaw and taxi in Mumbai city, Thane, Pune, Nagpur, Solapur, Nashik and Aurangabad city.

That means, now as per Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 (1988-59) clause 74 para (3) point (A) by using the rights Maharashtra Government, State Transport Authority and Regional Transport Authority are hereby given the order that the number of taxi which ply in Mumbai, and the permit existing till this date of notice and the badge agreed should be limited. The total number of autorikshaw that ply in Mumbai, Thane, Pune, Nagpur, Solapur, Nashik and Aurangabad cities, should be limited. The permits valid till the date of notice and the badge should be limited as per the total number of existing vehicles.

As per Order and name of Maharashtra Governor.

Mina Karande,
Joint Secretary Maharashtra


Fleet Taxi Service Scheme, 2006
1.     Short title, commencement and application :-
(a) This scheme may be called FLEET TAXI SERVICE SCHEME, 2006
(b)It shall come into force on the 1st day of April 2006
(c) All motor cabs in the city of Mumbai, to which contract carriage permit have been issued under section 74 of the act, can avail of this.
2.     Definitions – In this section unless the context otherwise requires : -
(a) “Act” means Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (59 of 1988)
(b)“Form” means a form appended to this scheme
(c) “Licence” means a licence granted or renewed to operate the fleet of Motor Cabs of the permit holders who are affiliate with this scheme.
(d)            “Licensing Authority” means the State Transport Authority constituted under sub. Section (1) of section 68 of the Act.
(e) “Operator” means the company who operates the scheme of fleet taxi service
(f)  “Permit Holder” means the person in whose name the permit is granted under section 74 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988.
3.     Licensing of operator: - No person shall engage himself in the business of Fleet Taxi Service under this scheme without a valid licence.
4.     Application for grant or renewal of a licence : -An application for grant of licence shall be made in Form 1 to the Licensing Authority, and shall be accompanied  by a fee of Rs.1,00,000 (Rupees one lakh).
5.     Scrutiny of application :- A licensing authority shall before granting or renewing a licence take into consideration the following namely :-
a)    That operator has a good moral character.
b)    That the operator has necessary facilities for parking (other than existing taxi stands), maintenance and repair of the vehicles affiliated to the scheme.
c)     That the financial resources of the applicant are sufficient to provide for the continued maintenance of the scheme.
d)   That the operator shall have access to a GPS / GPRS system.
e)    That the operator should operate motor cabs not less than 500 and not more than 10,000 fitted with electronic meters having printer facility. Also such motor cabs should be air-conditioned and covered with comprehensive Insurance, Fitness Certificate, and Motor Vehicles Tax, paid up to date.
f)      That the operator shall produce a performance guarantee in the form of bank guarantee of Rs. Ten lakhs.
g)    Companies registered under the Companies Act, 1956 and partnership firms are only eligible to apply under the Scheme. Individuals are debarred from making the applications under this scheme.
h)   Have 24 hrs. inquiry and complaint counter accessible by communication facility like Telephone, E-Mail, etc. and keep record for receipt and complaints and clarification it should also product before Licensing Authority for inspection whenever demanded.
i)      That the operator shall have a minimum net worth equivalent to Indian Rupees 10 (Ten) crores (Bank Solvency Certificate to be produced).
j)      Letter of Interest will be first issued and after completion of 500 agreements licence will be issued.
6)        Grant of Licence: - The licensing authority may, on receipt of an application under paragraph 4 and after satisfying itself that, the applicant has complied with the requirements of paragraph 5, issue sanction letter if it satisfies that, the applicant is having consent letters from minimum 100 permit holder and agreed to complete the minimum quota of 500 within 180 days in the lots of 50 at a time and then grant or renew the licence in Form 2.
                        Provided further that the period can be further extended upto 180 days by the State Transport Authority. Provided further that no application for a licence shall be refused by the licensing authority unless that applicant is given an opportunity of being heard and reasons for such refusal are given in writing by the licensing authority.
7)        Duration of licence :- A licence granted under paragraph 6 shall be valid in perpetuating provided that it can be revoked of the operator violates any of the condition of the licence and/or if this scheme.
8)        General condition to be observed by the holder of the licence:-
            The holder of a license shall,
(a) Have expertise human resource in transport sector for managing the scheme.
(b)Provide training facility to the drivers regarding defensive driving, technical expertise and courtesy and behavior to treat passenger “Atithi Devobhava” to promote tourism, as per the syllabus and for the period specified by the Transport Commissioner.  Frequency for the refresher course may also be specified by the Transport Commissioner.
(c) Should complete the training of first phase of driver within 3 months from the commencement of the scheme. However, no untrained driver should be allowed to drive cab, cover with the scheme after completion of the above period.
(d)            Allow Permit holder for giving first choice to drive vehicles in atleast one shift.
(e) Provide the service for round the clock.
(f)  Provide for annual medical check up of its drivers.
(g) Type of vehicles: only those make and model of vehicles shall be permitted to be granted under the scheme as an approved by S.T.A.
(h)            Not have any claim on the permit and will not allow to transfer the permit without consent of the permit holder.
(i)   Sign an agreement of utilizing the permit for, minimum period of 5 years.
(j)   Licensee shall be responsible for proper maintenance of taxis including all electronic equipments in the taxi and periodical check up of the same to ascertain accuracy of caliberation.
(k)Pay various taxes including income tax, professional tax, service tax (if applicable) and produce the proof of the said, whenever demanded by the authority.
(l)   Paint the motor cabs with the colour scheme approved by the State Transport Authority.
(m)         Use the Traffic as approved by the S.T.A.
(n)            The area of operation of the Motor cabs covered under the scheme shall be the whole of Greater Mumbai with extention upto Municipal Corporation Areas of Navi Mumbai, Thane, Mira Bhayander, Dombivali, Kalyan and Ulhasnagar with the connecting rural areas if any.
(o)Disposed off/scraped the existing motor cab in such a way that its reuse as motor cab is not feasible.
9. Duties and responsibilities of Permit holder of motor cabs:-
The permit holder shall,
Sign the agreement with the operator as required by State Transport Authority
Remain present at the time of Registration and / or Replacement of the cab and at the time of renewal of certificate of fitness as well as permit renewal.
Not be allowed to move out from the agreement, unless the agreement period is completed, except as mutually agreed between Licensee and Permit Holder.
10. Power of licensing authority to suspend or cancel the licence:-
Officer of and above the rank of Inspector of Motor Vehicles will have right to visit the business place of operator and carry out the inquiry, whatever be necessary.
(1)                        If the Licensing authority is satisfied after giving the holder of the licence an opportunity of being heard, that he has-
(a) Failed to comply with the provisions of paragraph 8: or
(b)Failed to maintain the motor cab in compliance with the provisions of the Act and rules;
(c) Serious complaint against the operator by any permit holder / passenger / any authority has been proved beyond reasonable doubt;
        i.            Suspend the licence for a specified period ; or
     ii.            Cancel the licence
(2)                        Where the licence is liable to be cancelled or suspended and the licensing authority is of opinion that having regard to the circumstances of the case, it would not be necessary or expedient to cancel or suspend the licence, if the holder of the licence agree to pay the fine, that may be imposed by the licensing authority, then
Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (1), the licensing authority may, instead of cancelling or suspending the licence, as the case may be, recover from the holder of the licence, the said fine.
Provided that above fine should not be less than Rs. 1,000/- and should not exceed Rs. 10,000/0.
3. For the purpose of recovery of the sum of money agreed upon, the State Trasnport Authority may, specify the amount recoverable for each day of suspension and the amount recoverable in lieu of cancellation of the licence and specify the time within which the sum of money ahreed upon is payable failing which the orders passed under clause (1) shall be implemented.
4. When the licence is suspended or cancelled under clause (1), the holder of the licence shall surrender the licence to the licensing authority.
11. Voluntary surrender of the licence :- The holder of a licence may at any time surrender the licence issued to him to his licensing authority which granted the licence and on such surrender, the licensing authority shall cancel the licence subject to forfeiture of performance guarantee. The holder of the licence before surrendering the licence shall clear the dues referred to in clause (2) of paragraph 10.

1.  Short title, commencement and application:
a.      This scheme may be called Call taxi Scheme, 2010
b.     It shall come into force on the date to be decided by the State Transport Authority, Maharashtra State, Mumbai.
c.      This scheme shall apply to all metered cabs or cool cabs to which contract carriage permits have been issued under section 74 of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 (59 of 1988).
d.     The vehicles covered under this scheme shall not be more than eight years old at any point of time and it shall be fitted with electronic fare meter with printer facility and a vehicle tracking device such as G.P.S. or G.P.R.S.
Explanation: - For the purpose of this scheme, the period of eight years shall be computed from the date of initial registration of the motor vehicle.
e.      The area of operation of a cab operating under this scheme shall be the area of operation for which the permit has been granted.
f.       All the rights pertaining to advertisement on the vehicles under this scheme are vested fully with the license holder.
2.  Definitions – In this Scheme unless the context otherwise requires:
a.      “Form” means a form appended to this scheme.
b.     “LIcence” means a licence granted or renewed under the Call Taxi Scheme 2010.
c.      “Licensing Authority” means the State Transport Authority, Maharashtra State.
d.     “Operation” means the company or partnership firm holding a Licence issued under the Call Taxi Scheme, 2010.
e.      “Permit Holder” means the person who has been granted a contract carriage permit in respect of a metered taxi or cool cab under section 74 of the Motor vehicles Act, 1988.
3. Licensing of Operator:-
The operator of the Call Taxi Scheme, 2009 shall obtain licence from the State Transport Authority, Maharashtra State.  No person shall engage himself in the business of Call Metered taxi Service under the Scheme without obtaining a valid licence.
4. Application for grant or renewal of a LIcence:-
        i.            Every application for grant or renewal of a Licence to operate the Call taxi Service shall be filed before the State Transport Authority, Maharashtra Stare in FORM “CTA”.
     ii.            The fee for application for grant and renewal of the Licence shall be Rs. 1,00,000/-.

5. Security of Applications:
On receipt of applications the Licensing Authority shall satisfy itself that
        i.            The applicant has a good moral character
     ii.            The financial resources of the applicant are sufficient for continuing his operation under the scheme,
   iii.            The applicant is a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 or a partnership firm registered under the Indian Partnership Act, 1932.  Individuals are barred from making applications under the scheme,
   iv.            The application is accompanies by true copies of at least 500 consent letters in the nature of agreements entered into by the applicant with the existing metered taxi permit holders to the effect that the permit holders are willing to participate in the Scheme.
6.  Grant of Letter of Intent:
On satisfying itself that the applicant fulfills the requirements contained in the paragraph 5 above, the Licensing Authority shall issue a Letter of Intent to the applicant company or firm directing for compliance with the following conditions within a period of three months:-
        i.            The applicant shall deposit a sum of Rs. 5,00,000/-interest free as security deposit.
     ii.            A 24 hrs. Call centre, equipped with sufficient staff accessible by communication facility like Telephone, E-mail etc. should be set up.
   iii.            The metered taxis operating under Call taxi Scheme, 2010 shall be fitted with GPS or GPRS devices enabling communication with the central control unit of the LIcence holder with live tracking and facility to record excess speed driving.
   iv.            The applicant shall produce true copies of the remaining consent letters so as to complete the minimum of 1500 consent letters in the nature of agreements entered into be the applicant with the existing metered taxi permit holders to the effect that the permit holders are willing to participate in the Scheme.
7. Grant of LIcence:
On satisfying itself that the applicant has complied with the requirements of paragraph 6 above,   the Licensing Authority shall grant the licence in Form “CTL”.
The Licensing Authority shall not ordinarily refuse to issue the Licence if the above conditions are satisfied. If it is decided to refuse to issue the licence an opportunity of being heard shall be provided to the applicant.

8. Duration and renewal of Licence:
        i.            A licence granted under paragraph 7 shall be effective from the date of issuance or renewal thereof for a period of five years.
     ii.            A LIcence may be renewed on an application made not more than ninety days before the date of its expiry.
9. General conditions to be observed by the holder of the licence:
The holder of the licence shall
        i.            Have experience in human resource management, travel management and infrastructure to manage the vehicles.
     ii.            Ensure that at any point of time there shall be minimum 1500 consent letters in the nature of agreements entered into by the applicant with the existing metered taxi permit holders.
   iii.            Display the words “Call Metered Taxi” prominently on the top of the vehicle which shall have illuminating facility during night to be visible from both from and rear along with brand name of the operator.
   iv.            Keep the vehicle equipped with First-Aid-Box and a fire extinguisher,
     v.            Display on the vehicles a common telephone number so as to enable the passengers to communicate with the call center.
   vi.            Fix an information panel of 6” x 6” dimension on the dash board displaying particulars such as the vehicle registration number, registered owner’s name, the driver’s name and his photograph, the driving licence number,
vii.            Always keep the vehicles well maintained.
viii.            Ensure that the fare charged for the cabs plying under the Scheme is as fixed by the respective Regional Transport Authority for the metered cabs or cool cabs, as the case may be operating in its jurisdiction,
   ix.            Ensure that no charges other than the applicable fare as stated in (viii) above are recovered from the passengers,
      x.            Ensure that an LCD panel is fixed inside the metered taxi for display of topography of the location of the vehicle.
   xi.            Abide by any other condition that may be imposed by the Licensing Authority from time to time.
 xii.            Ensure that all taxis under the scheme are painted as per the color scheme approved by the State Transport Authority.
10. Duplicate Licence:
        i.            The application for issue of duplicate Call taxi scheme Licence shall be in FORM “CTD”.
     ii.            A duplicate licence issued shall be marked DUPLICATE in red ink with details of date of issue under the signature of the Licensing Authority.
   iii.            The fee for issue of duplicate Call taxi Scheme Licence shall be Rs. 5,000/-.
11. Change of Address:
The licence holder shall not shift the principal place of business without prior permission and approval of the Licensing Authority.

12. Permission for display of advertisements:
The cabs operating under this scheme may be allowed to display thereon advertisements in the following manner subject to compliance with the Rule 50 and Rule 100 (2) of Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1980 and procedure laid down in Rule 134 of Maharashtra Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989:
        i.            The advertisements on both the sides of vehicle (barring the window glass)
     ii.            The advertisement at rear side of the vehicle i.e. on luggage boot (Dicky) provided that the rear wind screen glass & tail light and the registration plate should not be covered.
   iii.            The advertisements on the top of the vehicle.
   iv.            LCD panel fixed for the purpose mentioned in paragraph 9 may be used for display of advertisement intermittently.
     v.            It shall be obligatory to carry social message duty approved by State Transport Authority on one door panel.  However, this obligation shall not be more than 3 months in any calendar year and shall not be carried forward.  Sponsoring agency for their social message shall bear the costs of putting the advertisements.

Provided that the Licence holder shall ensure that “Advertisement Code” should be followed scrupulously. And that the Licence holder shall display “Social Messages” free of cost.

Notwithstanding anything mentioned above the licence holder shall not display any advertisement of liquor, tobacco product, obscene matters etc.

13. Power of the Licensing Authority to suspend or cancel the licence.

Officer of and above the rank of Assistant Regional Transport Officer will have the right to visit the business places of the operator and carry out the inquiry, if necessary

If the Licensing Authority has reason to believe that the operator have violated any one or more of the conditions of the scheme, it may, after giving him an opportunity of being heard, suspend or cancel the Licence.

The Licensing Authority shall have the right to forfeit the amount of security deposit, in whole or part, in the event the operator fails to observe any one or more of the conditions of the Scheme.

14.  Appellate Authority:
The State Transport Appellate Tribunal shall be the Appellate Authority in the matters of issuance, renewal, suspension or cancellation of the Licence.  The appeal shall be filed within 30 days of the order of the Licensing Authority and shall be accompanied by the free of Rs. 5,000/-.

Mantralaya, Mumbai 400 032, dated the 14th July 2010
No. MVR. 0809/2221/C.R./TRA. 2. – In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (xxxiii) of sub-section (2) of section 96 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (59 of 1988), and of all others powers enabling it in this behalf, the Government of Maharashtra hereby request makes the following rule further to amend Maharashtra  Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989 the same having been previously published, as required by sub-section (1) of section 212 of the said Act, namely :-
1.     These rules may be called the Maharashtra Motor Vehicles (Fifth Amendment ) Rules, 2010.
2.     In the Maharashtra Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989 hereinafter referred to as the “the principal rules” after Rule 66 the following shall be inserted, namely :-
“66-A Grant of Contract Carriage Permits in respect of motor cabs fitted with vehicle tracking devices (Phone/Fleet Taxi) to companies registered under Companies Act, 1956 or Partnership Firms.
(1)                        The Regional Transport Authority of one region may grant a permit to the Licensed operators of motor cabs fitted with vehicle tracking devices to ply as a contract carriage to be valid throughout the area decided by the State Transport Authority, Maharashtra State without the countersignature of Regional Transport Authorities of the other regions.
(2)                        The following guidelines shall be followed before the issue of licences to such  holder :
(a) The holder of Phone/Fleet Taxi shall obtain final licence from the State Transport Authority, Maharashtra State. No person shall engage himself in the business of Phone/Fleet Taxi Service under the Scheme without valid licence.
(i) Every application for issue of a Licence to operate Phone/Fleet Taxi fitted with vehicle tracking devices shall be filed before the State Transport Authority, Maharashtra State in FORM “PFTA”.
(ii) The fee for application for issue or renewal of Licence shall be Rs 1,00,000 in Mumbai and outside of Mumbai Rs. 25,000. This licence shall be valid for a period of 5 years from date of issue.
(iii) The fee for application for grant of one permit issued under the Phone Taxi Fleet scheme shall be Rs. 1,00,000 (Minimum) or the fees determined by the Government of Maharashtra though bidding, whichever is higher. This shall be valid for a period of 5 years. After the period 5 years, the renewal of each permit shall be done for a further period of 5 years. A fees of Rs. 100 per permit or as may be amended for time to time, shall be levied. Each permit shall have renewable clause as per provisions of Motor Vehicles Act after every 5 years.
(iv) The Phone / Fleet Taxi Licence shall be issued in FORM “PFTL”.
(v) The validity of Phone/Fleet Taxi Licence shall be for five years.
(vi)  A Phone/Fleet Taxi Licence may be renewed on an application in FORM “PFTA” made within thirty days of its expiry. The late fee for renewal of licence after expiry of the licence shall be Rs. 500 per day.
(vii) The application for issue of duplicate Phone/Fleet Taxi Licence shall be in FORM “PFTD”.
(viii) A duplicate licence issued shall be marked DUPLICATE in red ink with details of date of issue under the signature of the Authority.
(ix) The fee for issue of duplicate Phone/ Fleet Licence shall be Rs. 5000.
(x) Any request for alterations or additions in the Licence shall be made with sufficient proof and documents and the application shall be treated as if the application is for grant of fresh licence.
(b)      (i) The Licence shall operate not less than 100 permits in cities other than in Mumbai Metropolitan Region further Mumbai Metropolitan Region, the company shall have to operate not less than 1000 permits each permit shall be used to operate air conditioned Phone/Fleet Taxis, fitted with electronic fare meter having printer facility.
The Government of Maharashtra shall have the right to distribute the permits by way of inviting bids.
(c) The Licensee shall  deposit a sum of Rs 5 crore interest free Security deposit. This shall be kept with Government for period of 1 year at the time of bidding. The Successful bidder shall have to start the business within one year from the date of issue of licence by S.T.A. If the Successful bidder fails to start the operation within one year or as per the time extended by the Government, the security deposit shall be forfeited however, after successful implementation of the project within the stipulated time frame, to the satisfaction of Government, the interest free security deposit shall be refunded by Government.
(d) The vehicles used for Phone/Fleet Taxi shall be brand new at the time of induction or any other imported vehicles meeting the prescribed emission standards as approved by the State Transport Authority.
(e) The engine capacity of the vehicle used shall not be less than1200 c.c. in Area of the state other than MMR Area for MMR area the capacity of engine shall not less than 1400 c.c. The cab should have independent facility for storing of luggage.
(f) After awarding licence by STA, the successful bidder shall purchase new Air- Conditioned vehicles for operation as Phone Taxi/Fleet Taxi and each such vehicle shall be fitted with GPS/GPRS devices enabling communication with the central control unit of the Licence holder with live tracking and facility to record excess speed driving.
(g)      (i) The Licence shall not be transferable before 10 years from date of its issuance.
            (ii) The Licensee shall pay transfer fee as may be notified by State Government from time to time.
            (iii) The Licensee shall not shift the principal place of business without prior permission and approval of the State Transport Authority, Maharashtra State.
(h) The State Transport Authority, Maharashtra State shall not ordinarily refuse to issue or renew the Licence if the above conditions  are satisfied. If it is decided to refuse to issue or renew the licence an opportunity of being heard shall be given to the applicant.
(i) If any of the aforesaid conditions is violated, the State Transport Authority, Maharashtra State may, after issuing a notice and giving to the Licensee holder an opportunity of being heard, cause and enquiry to be made and cancel the licence.
(j) The Government of Maharashtra in Home Department shall be the Appellate Authority in the matters of issuance or renewal or cancellation of the Licence. The appeal shall be filed within 30 days of the order of the State Transport Authority and shall be accompanied by a fee of Rs. 1,000.
(3) The following conditions shall be observed by the Licensee -----
            (a) The Licensee for operation of Phone / Fleet Taxis shall have experience in human resource management and infrastructure to manage the vehicles.
            (b) He shall provide training facility to the drivers and have technical expertise.
            (c) The vehicle shall display prominently the words “PHONE/FLEET TAXI” on the top of the vehicle shall have illuminating facility during night to be visible both front and rear.
            (d) The vehicle must be equipped with First-Aid-Box.
            (e) For driving the Phone/Fleet Taxi, the Licence holder shall employ a driver in accordance with the stipulation of Maharashtra Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989.
            (f) The driver shall undergo training on a LMV stimulator at the time of employment and after that annually. Also, the driver shall be made to undergo health check up every year for his sight, hearing and other health problems.
(g) The Licensee shall hold the responsibility for the conduct and character of the driver to render safe and trustworthy service. He shall ensure that the driver is free from criminal antecedents.
(h) The Licensee shall display a toll free call number “----“ on all the four sides of the Cab for the purpose of lodging a complaint, if any.
(i) The Lincensee shall affix a sticker of 6”x6” dimension on the top right hand side windscreen with, particulars of the vehicle registration number, registered owner’s name, the driver’s name, his photograph and the driving licence number.
(j) The vehicles shall always be kept ready for hire at all times.
(k) The fare to be charged shall be as fixed by the State Transport Authority.
(l) The Licence holder shall display a fare chart on side windows prominently and easily visible to the commuters.
(m) Any other condition as may be prescribed by the State Transport Authority from time to time.
(4) The following conditions shall be observed by the driver of the Phone/Fleet Taxi :
            (a) The driver’s uniform shall be as specified by the State Transport Authority.
            (b) The driver must carry his original driving licence while driving the vehicle.
3. In the FIRST SCHEDULE to the principal rules, after FORM “RF”, the following FORMS shall be inserted, namely :--

Application for issue/renewal of Phone/Fleet Taxi License
[Sub-Rule 2(2) (b)(i)(v) of Rule 66A of MMV Rules, 1989]

State Tranport Authority
Maharashtra State.
We, the undersigned company hereby apply for a Licence under Rule 66-A of MMV Rules, 1989 for operating Phone/Fleet Taxi in the State of Maharashtra.
1.     Name of the Company               :
2.     Place of Business with               :
full postal address.
3.     Telephone Numbers                   :
I.                   Office                   :
II.                Mobile                :
III.             Fax                                   :
4.     E- Email ID                          :
5.     Experience in the management          :
of Transport Business.
6.     Number of Phone/Fleet
Taxis held                            :
(Details of vehicles with
Registration numbers and
Registration Certificates to be

7.     Particulars of Parking Places/ :
Garage facilities (Particulars of
Locations/areas to be enclosed).

8.     Details of Sub-Offices                  :
9.     Details of Training facilities      :
provided for the drivers of
Phone Taxis under the control
of the company.
10.                       Details of Security Deposit       :
11.                       The Prescribed Fee of Rs. ______ or Rs. ____________ is paid by way of_________.
We hereby declare that to the best our knowledge and belief, the particulars given above are correct and true.

Place  :             
Date   :                                                           Signature of the Applicant
Form of Duplicate Phone/Fleet Taxi Licence
[Sub-Rule 2(2)(b)(vi) of Rule 66A of MMV Rules, 1989]
State Transport Authority
Maharashtra State.
We, the undersigned company hereby apply for a Duplicate Phone/ Fleet Taxi Cab Licence under Rule 66-A of MMV Rules, 1980.
1.     Details of the Phone/Fleet        :
Taxi Licence.
2.     Name of the Company that      :
held the Licence.
3.     Place of Business with full        :
postal address

Telephone Numbers       :
I.                   Office                         :
II.                Mobile                      :
III.             Fax                             :
4.     E-Mail ID                             :
5.     Reasons for applying for:
Duplicate Licence. 
6.     The Prescribed Fee is paid by :
way of __________.
We hereby declare that to the best our knowledge and belief, the particulars given above are correct and true.
Place  :
Date   :                                                                                   Signature of the                                                                                                                Applicant    

Form of Phone/Fleet Taxi Licence
[Sub-Rule 2 (2)(b)(iii) of Rule 66A of MMV Rules, 1989]
Phone/Fleet Taxi Licence is granted/renewed to the company containing the details listed below subject to the conditions attached.
1.     Name of the Company               :
2.     Place of the Business with        :
full postal address
3.     Telephone Numbers                   :
I.                   Office
II.                Mobile                      :
III.             Fax                 :
4.     E-Email ID                           :
5.     Number of Phone/Fleet Taxi   :
held (Details of Vehicles are
6.     Particulars of Parking Places/ :
Garage facilities (Particulars of
Locations/areas are enclosed
7.     Details of Sub-Offices                  :
8.     Validity of the Licence                :
Place  :
Date   :                                                                                               Secretary,
                                                                        State Transport Authority
Maharashtra State.

By order and in the name of the Governor of Maharashtra,
                                                                                                            C.S. SANGITARAO,
Secretary to Government.


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    Are you traveling to Dehradun for the first time? If yes, you don’t know all the places worth to visit and enjoy activities. In this situation, you need a guide to show all exciting places and sports to play on holiday. It is where our Dehradun call girls and escorts can be helpful. The local women are born and brought up in this city. They know every place of the city so well. In other words, they are aware of the best places to enjoy on holiday.

    We can provide you female companion for your enjoyment. These women will be your guide to explore the hilly terrains, sightseeing, shopping, and night parties. They can be instrumental to bring absolute enjoyment and fun in your life. Enjoy while exploring Dehradun by booking a female companion from our agency. She will be your best friend and entertainer to bring blissful moments. Use our service to find a hot partner for sightseeing and other activities.

    Make the sexy, lusty memories with our escorts. These girls can preserve their feelings among them and fulfill their fantasies. The time spent with our girls would be memorable for you for a lifetime. These girls are educated and can understand your feeling and can you relax without any stress.

    If you are bored in your life or it has become stressful, so Luxury Call Girls in Dehradun is here to make your life enlightened with our beautiful girls. These girls will make your life filled with their love which may be lacking in your routine life. They will add spice in your sex life by showing you sexy, curvy moves and different sex positions that you have never tried in your life. You can have all of the fun with our escorts girls. These High Profile haridwar escort service are best among others in the city. All the girls in our services are highly sophisticated and educated. You can take them anywhere with you as they can support you emotionally too. We know every man wants a girl who can understand their sexual desires and pleasures of life. Dehradun girls care for their clients and will make love with you to make you forget worries with her. She can take you to the next level of sex life as they are well trained and can completely satisfy the customer.

    You can have the best and amazing time. No need to be frustrated now, just forget all the worries of your life and pick one of our hottest 1escorts with you and make an amazing time with them. Call us!! We will provide you the best Rishikesh escort service

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