Thursday 16 May 2013

writ on taxi permit under section 74 of the MV Act in Bombay High Court

WRIT PETITION (L) NO. ­­­____________OF 2013
WRIT PETITION NO. ­­­___________OF 2013

In the matter of Article 226 of the constitution of the India


In the matter of Motor vehicle Act 1989


In the matter of the question of law whether the meter taxi permit issued under section 74 of the Motor Vehicle act is saleable or auction able? 


In the matter question of law whether the Tourist taxi permit vehicles are permissible to ply as meter taxi in the MMRTA Limit?


In the matter of question of law whether only meter taxi vehicles are responsible for the traffic congestion not by the tourist taxi vehicles in Mumbai

Mumbai Taximen Sangathan                                    )
Through Its General Secretary                                   )
Sanjay Khemka, Age about 53 years             )
Indian Habitant, DOB: 03/03/1960                            )
PAN No.:                                                                    )          
Office at: 514, MIDAS, Sahar Plaza,             )
AK Road, Andheri East,                                             )
Mumbai - 400064                                                       )
Email:                                              )                                                                                                                                                                                   …….Petitioner


1.)   The Union of India                                         )          
Through its Secretary                                    )
Ministry of Transport                                                 )          
Ministry of Road Transport & Highways      )
 Transport Bhavan                                          )
1, Parliament Street                                        )
New Delhi-110001                                         )

2.)   The Transport Commissioner,                      )
Maharashtra State                                          )
4th Floor, Administrative Building,               )
Bandra East, Mumbai                                    ) 

3.)   The State of Maharashtra                            )
Through Government Pleader                                    )
PWD Building,                                               )
High Court of Bombay,                                  )          
Mumbai                                                          )                                   …… Respondents



                                                                                    THE HON’BLE PETITION OF


1.)   The Petitioner by filing this present writ petition in this Hon’ble court to invoke the inherent powers vested with the Hon’ble Court under article 226 of the Constitution of India with Motor Vehicle Act seeking the urgent reliefs. The Petitioner is registered taxi trade Sangathan under the trade union act & working in the interest of Taximen at large, public & in the country, having office at 514, MIDAS, Sahar Plaza, Andheri East, Mumbai 400059 & filing this present petition through its General Secretary Sanjay Khemka in the interest of Taximen at large.  The copies of the trade Union Certificate & the resolution of the Sangathan to file this present petition before this Hon’ble court are annex as EXHIBIT-A & B.
2.)   That the petitioner states that the respondent no 1 is the Union of India & representing through its Secretary, Ministry of  Road Transport & highways,  Respondent no 2 is the state transport department & respondent no 3  is the state of Maharashtra through the Government Pleader. 

3.)   That the petitioner states that the Respondent No. 2 is the authority to issue the meter Taxi permit under section 74 of the motor vehicle act. The section 74 of the motor vehicle act is reproduce as under:

Section 74 in the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988
74. Grant of contract carriage permit.

(1) Subject to the provisions of sub- section (3), a Regional Transport Authority may, on an application made to it under section 73, grant a contract carriage permit in accordance with the application or with such modifications as it deems fit or refuse to grant such a permit: Provided that no such permit shall be granted in respect of any area not specified in the application.

(2) The Regional Transport Authority, if it decides to grant a contract carriage permit, may, subject to any rules that may be made under this Act, attach to the permit any one or more of the following conditions, namely:--

(i)              that the vehicles shall be used only in a specified area or on a specified route or routes;

(ii)             that except in accordance with specified conditions, no contract of hiring, other than an extension or modification of a subsisting contract, may be entered into outside the specified area;

(iii)           the maximum number of passengers and the maximum weight of luggage that may be carried on the vehicles, either generally or on specified occasions or at specified times and seasons;

(iv)          the conditions subject to which goods may be carried in any contract carriage in addition to, or to the exclusion of, passengers;

(v)             that, in the case of motor cabs, specified fares or rates of fares shall be charged and a copy of the fare table shall be exhibited on the vehicle;

(vi)      That, in the case of vehicles other than motor cabs,             rates of hiring not exceeding specified maximum shall be           charged;

(vii)     that, in the case of motor cabs, a special weight of passengers' luggage shall be carried free of charge, and that the charge, if any, for any luggage in excess thereof shall be at a specified rate;

(viii)    that, in the case of motor cabs, a taximeter shall be fitted and maintained in proper working order, if prescribed;

(ix)      that the Regional Transport Authority may, after giving notice of not less than one month,--
(a)       vary the conditions of the permit;
(b)       attach to the permit further conditions;

(x)       that the conditions of permit shall not be departed from save with the approval of the Regional Transport Authority;

(xi)      That specified standards of comfort and cleanliness shall be maintained in the vehicles;

(xii)     That, except in the circumstances of exceptional nature, the plying of the vehicle or carrying of the passengers shall not be refused;

(xiii)    Any other conditions which may be prescribed.
(3) (a) The State Government shall, if so directed by the Central Government, having regard to the number of vehicles, road conditions and other relevant matters, by notification in the Official Gazette, direct a State Transport Authority and a Regional Transport Authority to limit the number of contract carriages generally or of any specified type, as may be fixed and specified in the notification, operating on city routes in towns with a population of not less than five lakhs.

(b) Where the number of contract carriages are fixed under clause (a), the Regional Transport Authority shall, in considering an application for the grant of permit in respect of any such contract carriage, have regard to the following matters, namely:--
(i) Financial stability of the applicant;

(ii) Satisfactory performance as a contract carriage operator including payment of tax if the applicant is or has been an operator of contract carriages; and

(iii) Such other matters as may be prescribed by the State Government: Provided that, other conditions being equal, preference shall be given to applications for permits from—

(i) The India Tourism Development Corporation;
(ii) State Tourism Development Corporations;
(iii) State Tourism Departments;
(iv) State transport undertakings;
(v) co- operative societies registered or deemed to have been registered under any enactment for the time being in force;
(vi) ex- servicemen.

4.)   That the Petitioner sates that since 1995 no fresh or new permit not issue by the Respondent No. 2 till date under section 74 of the motor vehicle act but on the other hand Respondent No. 2 are issuing the tourist Taxi permit without fixing any limit. 

5.)   That the Petitioner states that the Respondent No. 2 after violation of the provision of section 74 of the motor vehicle act, auction 4000 meter taxi permit to the one company for their personal gain and benefits. It is pertinent to note that the whole state Transport Department was indulge in this illegal act

6.)   That the Petitioner states that one Taxi Trade Union had also filed the writ Petition No. 2043 of 2010 before this Hon’ble High Court and the Hon’ble High Court was please to passed order dated 01-12-2010 in the said writ petition with the direction to expedite the hearing of the said writ petition and also clear that all the Respondents should comply the outcome of the said writ petition. The order is reproduced as under:



2. Notice to the Advocate General

3. Ad-interim relief in terms of prayers clause (d) excluding bracketed portion. Any auction for motor cab that to be held during the pendency of the petition shall be subject to the result of the petition. The persons participating in the auction be clearly told about the same.

4. Hearing expedited

It is pertinent to note that till date the said Trade Union and the Respondents were keep mum on the said writ petition for their own personal gain. The copy of the said order passed by the Hon’ble High Court of Bombay is annexed as Exhibit - C.

7.)   That the petitioner states that the Respondent No. 2 introduced several scheme as under:

a.      Fleet Taxi scheme 2006
b.     Call Taxi scheme 2010
c.      Phone Fleet Taxi scheme 2010

The Respondent no. 2 is always busy to keep happy the fleet taxi operators and amending the conditions of the scheme time to time in favor of the operators but not ready to take care the interest of the taximen. It is pertinent to note that the Respondent No. 2 violated the terms and conditions of the scheme mentioned above and issued licenses to the fleet taxi operators and the state suffer a loss of millions of Rupees
8.)   That the petitioner states that the Respondent No. 2 is the authority to issue the tourist Taxi permit under section 88(9) of the motor vehicle act. The section 88(9) of the motor vehicle act is reproduce as under:

Section 88(9) in the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988
(9) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub- section (1) but subject to any rules that may be made by the Central Government under sub- section (14), any State Transport Authority may, for the purpose of promoting tourism, grant permits in respect of tourist vehicles valid for the whole of India, or in such contiguous States not being less than three in number including the State in which the permit is issued as may be specified in such permit in accordance with the choice indicated in the application and the provisions of sections 73, 74, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86 and 89 shall, as far as may be, apply in relation to such permits.

9.)   That the petitioner states that few companies i.e. OLA Cab, Meru Plus and others are running the Radio Cab/Meter Taxi in the MMRTA limit on the tourist Taxi permit vehicles ( Permit issued Section 88(9) in the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 ). It is pertinent to note that these entire tourist Taxi Vehicles are belongs to the individual owners not own by this companies.

10.)          That the Petitioner states that the Respondent No. 2 are again planning to sale / auction another 4000 Taxi  Permits within next 2/3 months and the act of the Respondent No. 2 is entirely illegal and against the section 74 of the motor vehicle act.

11.)          That the petitioner states that Respondent No. 2 and the whole state Transport Department are indulge to destroy or eliminate the entire 100 years old meter taxi trade from the city of Mumbai and more than 50000 families of the taximen are going to come on road due to the act and policies of the Respondent No. 2.

12.)          That the petitioner states that the following question of law has arise as under:


A.    Whether the permit under section 74 of the motor vehicle act are saleable / auction able or not?

B.    Whether the private companies are running the tourist Taxi vehicle as Radio meter Taxi in the MMRTA limit under section 88 of the motor vehicle act?

C.    Whether only the meter Taxi vehicle under section 74 of the MVI act are responsible for the traffic congestion in Mumbai  not by the tourist taxies, the permit issue under section 88(9) of the MVI Act?

D.    The operation of the phone fleet taxi in which the Respondent sale the meter Taxi permits section 74 of the motor vehicle act is legal or illegal?

14.) That the petitioner states that he has not filed any writ/application in the Hon’ble High    Court/ Hon’ble Supreme Court of India or any other court in the above mentioned matter.

15.) That the petitioner states that he is filling this present petition before this Hon’ble Court with the liberty to amend/delete or alter this petition with the permission of this Hon’ble Court.

Under these facts and circumstances, the writ therefore, most humbly prays:

a)     That this Hon’ble Court may clear the question of law whether the meter taxi permit under section 74 of the Motor vehicle act is saleable or actionable.

b)     That this Hon’ble Court may clear the question of law whether the tourist permit issued under section 88(9) of the Motor vehicle act is permissible in law to run as meter taxi in the MMRTA limit. 

c)     This Hon’ble Court may direct respondent no 2 not to sell or auction any permit under section 74 of the Motor Vehicle Act & stop the tourist taxi not to ply as meter taxi or as Radio taxi in the MMRTA limit.

d)     Ad-interim pray clause(c) may be granted till the pendency of this writ petition

e)     This Hon’ble Court may cancel the auction of 4000 meter taxi permit earlier.  

f)      Any other further order and/or direction as this Hon’ble Court may deem fit and proper.

Sanjay Khemka
Petitioner In-Person
Dated this__ Day of________, 2013
Place: Mumbai


I, Sanjay Sitaram Khemka, 514, MIDAS, Sahar Plaza, AK Road, Andheri east, Mumbai 400059, Do hereby state and declare that on solemn affirmation that whatever has been stated in the paragraphs 1 to 15 of the present petition are true and correct to best of my knowledge and belief and I believe the same to be true.

Solemnly Affirmed at Mumbai
This___Day of ­­­­_____, 2013
Sanjay Khemka

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